Re: rootcint: constants

From: Selim Issever (
Date: Tue Jun 01 1999 - 20:26:12 MEST

Hi,.. it's me again,..

> [... ...]
> I will proceed with the [...] and also try Masaharu's advises.

First I tried Masaharu's advise and extended moBase with
#pragma link C++ enum OvStyle;

------ moBase.H --------------------
#pragma link C++ enum OvStyle;
enum OvStyle {
#pragma link C++ global ovAll;
#pragma link C++ global ovRate;
#pragma link C++ global ovPos;

This just had no effect and ovAll/ovRate/ovPos were not accessible (may be I
just totally misunderstood the advise)

Anyways, I proceeded with building moLinkDef.h exactly as advised in the mail
before and everything was OK! So I see no sense in putting in the #pragma link
C++ enum OvStyle;?!? Or is there any reason, I just miss??

I now had a fit of megalomania and thought I could easily make my Date classes
accessible too, but failed:

my moLinkDef.h now looks like this:
---- moLinkDef.h -------------------
#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ global ovAll;
#pragma link C++ global ovRate;
#pragma link C++ global ovPos;

#pragma link C++ class mo;
#pragma link C++ class moBase;
#pragma link C++ class StyledCanvas;
#pragma link C++ class DateRange;
#pragma link C++ class Date;

OK, this worked and I can create objects of type Date e.g. in my application.

but as soon as I extend moLinkDef.h by
#pragma link C++ class DateRangeList;

rootcint mydict.C -c mo.H moBase.H StyledCanvas.H Date.H moLinkDef.h
runs and completes

But compiling mydict.C:
eg++ -Wall -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fsigned-char -fPIC
-I/afs/ -o lib/Linux_intel/mydict.o
-c mydict.C
/products/cernroot/new/@sys/gcc/root/include/TCollection.h: In method
`TSeqCollection::TSeqCollection(const class TSeqCollection &)':
`TCollection::TCollection(const class TCollection &)' is private
mydict.C:338: within this context
make: *** [lib/Linux_intel/mydict.o] Error 1

DateRangeList has a privat member of class TList, which is the only remarkable
difference between DateRangeList and Date. 

I can easily spend a TList pointer (instead of a Tlist member), which I show
to __CINT__ only as void,.. this should cure the problem imedeatly. I am just
wondering, if this behaviour is intended,..

Best Wishes

Selim Issever | Tel: 040 8998-2843    +- Talk sense to a fool and he --
DESY-F15      | Fax: 040 8998-4033    +- calls you foolish. -----------
Notkestr. 85  | +--------------  Euripides ------
22603 Hamburg/Germany   |

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