gui plotting and cutting tool

From: Sean Kelly (
Date: Tue Jun 22 1999 - 21:14:46 MEST

Dear Rooters

I have written a ROOT based gui plotting and cutting tool that may be of
some general use.  The code is essentially an interface to the TTree::Draw
method, similar to TTree::Viewer but with some additional functionality.
The code is pre-beta and will be updated pretty regularly.  Please see the
below link or the ROOT Gui How To page for more information.

best regards

Sean Kelly


Sean Kelly
Dept. of Physics
University of California Los Angeles
office tel. (310)-825-6035
fax (310)-206-4397 
voice mail (310)-259-3747

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Rene Brun wrote:

> Today, we are exposing the first public pre-release of Root version
> 2.22.
> this version is stamped 2.22/04 and the main features are listed below.
> For more details, see URLs:
> Rene Brun  &  Fons Rademakers
> - New CINT 5.14.4:
> - ==========>>IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE IN THE I/O SUBSYSTEM<<=============
>   TBuffer: WriteObject() now inserts a byte count in front of the buffer
>   and ReadObject() checks at the end of reading the byte count. If the
>   byte count is not correct the buffer is positioned at the location
>   specified by the byte count so that a next object in the same buffer
>   can still be correctly read. This new feature is very useful to detect
>   if a Streamer() is out of sync compared to the data on the file. Also
>   it will allow the system to skip data of an unkown class (class info
>   has been lost or shared lib is not loaded), but still correctly read
>   the other data. 
> - rootcint: generate Streamer code for STL containers vector, list,
>   deque, map, set, multimap and multiset. It is now possible to do
>   automatic I/O for classes containing these containers.
> - Several changes in class TH1
>   ============================
>   - new member functions to return a random number distributed according
>     the contents of a histogram.
>      Axis_t   GetRandom();  // for 1-d
>      void     GetRandom2(Axis_t &x, Axis_t &y); //for 2-d
>      void     GetRandom3(Axis_t &x, Axis_t &y, Axis_t &z); //for 3-d
>     For the 3 cases GetRandom computes the integral of the bins if not
> yet done).
>     This integral (fIntegral) is normalized to 1 and a random number
>     returned following this integral.
>   - existing functions TH1::FillRandom(TF1*) and TH1::FillRandom(TH1*)
>     have been modified. TH1::FillRandom(TH1*) has been rewritten to use
>     the new TH1::GetRandom functions. The new function does not require
>     that the source and destination histogram have the same number of
> bins or
>     bin limits. Statistics are also correctly filled.
>   - Changes in prototype for TH1::DrawCopy from
>      old: void    DrawCopy(Option_t *option="");
>      new: TH1    *DrawCopy(Option_t *option="");
> - Changes in TTree::MakeClass. The new version generates a skeleton
>   analysis function allowing a better performance when reading the tree.
>   In addition, to the list of leaf (variable) names, the new version
> also
>   generates for each branch a member like:
>     TBranch *b_branchname;
>   In the analysis loop, one can call
>       b_branchname->GetEntry(entry) to read only the variables belonging
>   to this branch. The branch pointers are initialized in the Init
> function.
>   Note that if b_branchname->GetEntry(entry) is invoked more than once
>   for the same entry, the subsequent calls return immediatly from
> GetEntry.
> - ==========>>>>WARNING  Terminology change in TTree.<<=================
>   We now call "entry" what was called "event"
>   We have added the following functions
>      TTree::GetEntry
>      TChain::GetEntry
>      TBranch::GetEntry
>   These new functions behave like the old GetEvent functions.
>   We have left the old GetEvent functions for backward compatibility.
>   However, note that these old functions call the new functions
> GetEntry.
>   We strongly encourage you to make the corresponding changes in your
> code.
> - New class in patch EG: TParticle. This new class replaces the old
> class
>   TPrimary (left for compatibility).
>   The classes TGenerator, TVenus, TPythia changed to use the new class.
>   TGenerator::GetPrimaries has been renamed TGenerator::ImportParticles.
> - New class TTabCom: very useful new class made by Christian Lacunza
>   <>. This class performs basic tab completion.
>   You should be able to hit [TAB] to complete a partially typed:
>      username
>      environment variable
>      preprocessor directive
>      pragma
>      filename (with a context-sensitive path)
>      public member function or data member
>      global variable, function, or class name
> - IMPORT CHANGE for LINUX users. in $kumacs/globals and all makefiles
>   the options  -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions have been removed.
>   When we moved from gcc to egcs1.0 about 1 year ago, we found out that
>   using the default compiler options was generating a huge overhead in
>   space in the object files. In particular the exceptions could generate
> a few
>   tens of kilobytes of additional code compared to no-exceptions. We saw
> many
>   cases of small and medium size classes (in fact the majority) for
> which the
>   object file was more than double.
>   Because support for rtti and exceptions was supported by only a few
>   compilers at the time, we set by default the options above.
>   egcs1.1 is now generating a more compact code than its predecessor
>   and is quickly becoming the standard compiler on Linux.
>   We have compared a few weeks ago the overhead induced by each option
>   above and found the following result on the Root classes
>    -rtti overhead = 1.2 per cent (totally negligible)
>    -exceptions    = 20 per cent
>   The overhead generated by the exceptions option is still not
> negligible.
>   However, we have decided to compile Root with the default egcs
> options.

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