Pretty Palette Spectrum Violet->Red HowTo:

From: Jon Gans (
Date: Fri Jun 25 1999 - 17:37:19 MEST

//   To run: save as color.C, type ".L color.C" then "main()"

//   Create a new color palette with colors ranging
//   from blue (low) to red (high).
//   How it works:
//   We have to assign a new color palette to the global
//   instance of TStyle called gStyle.
//   This palette is simply an array of integers which hold
//   the color ID for the referring level.
//   In ROOT colors are created through TColor where they also
//   get their ID assigned.
//   ROOT reserves all colors below 50 and above 100.
//   Here we restrict ourselves to the 50 IDs from 51 to 100.
//   The color model used here is based on the HLS model which
//   is much more suitable for creating palettes than RGB.
//   Fixing the saturation and lightness we can scan through the
//   spectrum of visible light by using "hue" alone.
//   In Root hue takes values from 0 to 360.
//   Problems: Often it is not possible to allocate a new color.
//   This is especially true in X11. ROOT unfortunately gives no
//   direct information on the success of TColor. There is however
//   a workaround which is used here and shall not be explained
//   in detail. If we fail to allocate one color we simply use the
//   last successfully allocated color.
//   This makes the macro independent of the graphics package and
//   the underlying hardware.

void palette()
  const float  saturation = 1;
  const float  lightness = 0.5;
  const float  MaxHue = 280;
  const float  MinHue = 0;
  const int    MaxColors = 50;   
  int          palette[MaxColors];
  int          index;
  float        hue, r, g, b, rv, gv, bv;
  TColor       *color;
  unsigned int failures = 0;
  for (int i=0 ; i<MaxColors ; i++) {
      index = palette[i] = MaxColors+1+i;     
      color = new TColor(index, 0, 0, 0);
      hue = MaxHue-(i+1)*((MaxHue-MinHue)/MaxColors);
      color->HLStoRGB(hue, lightness, saturation, r, g, b);
      color->SetRGB(r, g, b);
      gGXW->GetRGB(index, rv, gv, bv);
      if (r != rv || g != gv || b != bv) {
          palette[i] =  i ? palette[i-1] : 1;
  if (failures)
      printf("palette(): couldn't allocate %d of %d colors\n", failures, MaxColors);
  gStyle->SetPalette(MaxColors, palette);

// The following macro will produce an example figure
int main()
  palette(); // Call The Palette Function
  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Spectrum Palette",200,10,900,500);
  // Generate a 2-D function
  TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2","exp( -5.*(x^2+y^2)^(1/2))*cos((x^2+y^2)^(1/2)*10.0) ",-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0); // Example graph

  //The following calls are important to set up the color scheme for the 'f2' calls.
  f2->SetContour(48);   // This is needed to use all 50 colors. (If above 48 it will cycle through color map).
  f2->SetFillColor(0);  // If using a histogram it is not nessesary.

  return 0;

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