Re: Reset range from 0 to 1

From: Thomas Kluge (
Date: Fri Jul 16 1999 - 14:38:48 MEST

Hello Steve,

> I would like to "reset" the coordinates on a plot from 0 to 1 in order
> to be able to put comments independently on the plot ranges. Is there
> such possibility ?

I use :

  TPaveText *pt1;
  TText *tx1;

  pt1 = new TPaveText(0.2,0.92,0.8,0.97,"NDC");
  tx1 = pt1->AddText(0.5,0.5,"Comments");

The "NDC" switches to corrdinates in percent (0 to 1).

I hope this helps.


Thomas Kluge                      Telephon:   +49(40)8998-4551
DESY, 1d33                        Telefax:    +49(40)8998-4385
Notkestr. 85                      E-mail:
D-22607 Hamburg ----------------------------------------------

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