Re: cast operation [OT]

Date: Fri Jul 23 1999 - 09:42:19 MEST

hi valery,

>  ( for example correct answer for 0. question 
>   on Linux/egcs is 1st, but for Dunix-Alpha/egcs - 2nd )

well, there _is_ something like .

the 3 commandements of c++ - programming are, regardless of qt
or root or whatever:

1.) thou shalt obey the standard.
2.) if thou use proprietary features from some proprietary implementation,
    you are doomed.
3.) if thou own a compiler that does not conform to basic c++, thou
    shalt curse the vendor and burn the cd's (or curse the cd's and
    burn the vendor).


dr. j. rieling  /  daimlerChrysler aerospace, orbital systems & operations
fon +49 421 5395643      fax +49 421 5395127

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