Re: Callable inerpreter

From: Onuchin Valeriy (
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 19:57:23 MEST

Hello , sorry in previous message I was wrong
but probably following message from Masaharu can help.
 Best regards,                  Valery


Dear Valery,

I implemented some pointer to member function capability in cint5.14.9. 
I think it is risky to expose this feature to public, you need to add 
G__PTR2MEMFUNC macro in makefile by yourself. cint5.14.9 will be exposed
in a few days from CERN.

Please understand that pointer to (member) function is vert slow and 
risky in Cint and only very limited capability is supported.

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

# Pointer to member
 + Pointer to member functioin
   Pointer to member function is newly supported from cint5.14.9. This
  is normally turned off. In order to activate, you need to define 
  G__PTR2MEMFUNC macro in platform dependency file and re-compile Cint.
   This feature is only experimental and not recommended for use in
   Interpreted pointer to member function and compiled pointer to member
  function are completely different objects. Mixing those concepts will
  fatal error.  For example, following code works as long as everything
  interpreted. However, it will cause fatal error if you precompile g() 
  and interpret main().

     class A {
       void f() { }

     typedef void (A::*A_p2mf)(void);

     void g(A *pa,A_p2mf x) { (pa->*x)(); }

     main() {
       A a;
       A_p2mf pf = &A::f;

 + Pointer to data member
   Pointer to data member is not supported.

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