Compiling Root Code For Standalone With g++

From: Jon Gans (
Date: Thu Jul 29 1999 - 17:26:07 MEST

I have followed the instructions on the web for compiling code under
linux, and it compiles just fine. However, when executing it runs into
some problems
with root specific call. For example

Ttext * text = new TText(); works fine but
gStyle->SetPalette(1); causes a seg fault.

booking canvas and histograms also produce segfaults
TCanvas richCanvas  = new TCanvas("richCanvas","canvas",,200,10,1120,720);

 thanks alot


Jonathan Gans					   Home: 516 344 1265
Brookhaven National Lab                            Work: 516 344 7405	
Building 902b, Room 11                   Fax/Voice Mail: 516 213 4967 (LI)
Upton, NY 11973                            (Via Email)   718 247 2926 (NYC)

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