Re: TViews and Clicking and angles

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (
Date: Fri Jul 30 1999 - 17:38:35 MEST

> Everyone,
> Do you think it would be possible/practical/plausible to modify the ROOT
> code so that instead of an outline being shown when an object is rotated,
> the actual object shown rotating?

  Hello Michael,

  I think it is TOO expansive since ROOT has no idea in advance how complicate
  will  be the user defined 3D object it is rotating. Your idea entails the full recompilation
  of the 3D image with each tiny mouse movement.
  However you for your particular needs may always create your own version of TView class and
  provide your own version of RotateView method.

  May be some extra "advanced rotation option" can be introduced in TView as well.
  Since ROOT is a "Free software" all contributions are welcome.

  With my best regards,

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