RE:Re: ROOTCINT problems with long long

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Sat Jul 31 1999 - 12:32:36 MEST

Dear Gora,

Thank you for reporting this problem. I fixed this in cint5.14.11.

Fix number 1153.

Masaharu Goto

Dear Masaharu,
  The file GPIB.h contains quite a bit of cruft extracted from the system
libraries, so I made up a very simple class that reproduces this problem.
Please let me know if you still really want the GPIB.h and GPIBLinkDef.h.
I quite agree with your comments about the difficulties in supporting long
long, and it probably need not be too much of a priority for you. The only
reason I needed this was for the system files used by the device driver, and
I have managed to find a workaround by using the non-gcc struct version
for the type of my variables rather than long long.
  I have included below three files: example.h, example.cxx, and
exampleLinkDef.h. rootcint -f exampleDict.cxx -c -t example.h exampleLinkDef.h
gives me the same segmentation fault as for GPIB.h. If I try to load the class
into an interactive ROOT session, I get a series of "*** Break *** segmentatio
violation" messages and have to kill ROOT with ^C. Again, all this is on a
Linux box running Redhat 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36) with egcs-2.91.66 and ROOT
version 2.22.09. I have not tried your updated cint as yet.

---------- Begin: example.h -------------
class Tmyclass {
    long long flnlong;
    virtual ~Tmyclass();
    void PrintLongLong(); 
    ClassDef(TMyclass, 1)
----------- End: example.h -------------

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