Inspect custom classes, TClass::BuildRealData

From: Norbert Danneberg (
Date: Fri Mar 01 1940 - 01:39:46 MET

Hi ,

we use a custom class wich is a extended version of the TTree::MakeClass
output as a basic analysis class.
In this class the BranchAddresses are set and the leafs declared. In a
custom analysis class, derived from
this basic class one has only to set the BranchStatus of the desired
branches and implement the ::Evaluate

Somehow the TObject::Inspect Function produces a segmentation vioaltion
in CINT. I traced down the
problem to the TClass::BuildRealData Function which seams to have
problems with some of the leaves in
MTAnalysis. I do not have an clue why. Only the variables indicated
below (STREAMED) are persistent.
But even if I do not stream any of those variables the TObject::Inspect
does not work, although it should
print at least the persistent variables of TNamed.

Besides this "Inspect" problem the class works as expected.

Any help is welcome


class MTAnalysis: public TNamed{
  TList* Histograms;   // List of Histograms in this class   STREAMED
  TTree* Events;      //! Pointer to the analyzed Tree
  MTDetector* MuPTDetector; //!
  Float_t FoilZ;// STREAMED
  Float_t BgoWallZ;// STREAMED
  Int_t ActEventNumber; //! Actual EventNumber;

  //Declaration of leaves types
  Int_t           EventNumber;//!
  UShort_t        TypeOfEvent;//!
  Float_t         TotalEnergy;//!
  Float_t         CenterEnergyX;//!
  Float_t         CenterEnergyY;//!
  Float_t         PhiWall34;//!
  Float_t         AlphaWall134;//!


  MTAnalysis(Text_t* Name, Text_t* Title, TTree* Events);
  virtual void Init(){;}
  virtual void SetBranchAddresses();
  virtual void EnableBranches();
  Int_t GetEvent(Int_t event);
  void SetBgoWallZPos(Float_t z) {BgoWallZ = z;}
  virtual void CreateHistos();
  void CreateHistoList();
  virtual void StartAnalysis();
  virtual void Analysis(Int_t nentries);
  virtual Bool_t Evaluate(){return TRUE;}
  virtual Int_t Loop(Int_t nentries);
  virtual void FillHistos(){;}
  virtual void EndAnalysis();
  //virtual void Draw();
  virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b);
  virtual TList* GetHistograms(){return Histograms;}
  virtual TTree* GetTree(){return Events;}
  virtual void Show(Int_t event);
  ClassDef(MTAnalysis,1) //Base class for other analysis classes

Default Constructor:

  FoilZ = gExperiment->GetDetector()->GetFoilZPos();
  BgoWallZ = gExperiment->GetDetector()->GetBgoWallZPos();
  ActEventNumber =0;


Norbert Danneberg

ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics
  Laboratory for Nuclear Physics          Phone.: +41-1-633-2034
  Hoenggerberg                            Fax.:   +41-1-633-1067
  CH-8093 Zurich

ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics
  Paul Scherrer Institute                 Phone.: +41-56-310-3284
  CH-5232 Villigen PSI                    Fax.:   +41-56-310-4362


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