Colors on scatterplot/drawing from TNtuples

From: Marco van Leeuwen (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 17:44:35 MEST

Hi all,

TNtuples are really a nice way to have an interactive look at your data.
However, I have the following related questions:

1) If a draw a two-dimensional plot from an TNtuple, using:
MyNtuple.Draw("x:y"); , you always get a two-dimensional histogram. This
means that the points which are drawn are not the original (x,y) points,
but a representation of the point density. Is the a way to obtain something
like a TGraph from an NTuple ??

2) How can you cange the color of the plotted points? I tried
gStyle->SetHistColor(); and gStyle->SetLineColor(); but this doesn't work.
In the source code of TH1::PaintScatterPlot(), I didn't find any

3) The advantage of using TGraphs, would be that one can also use different
marker/line styles to distinguish graph. However, I found that it is
impossible to draw two graphs on top of each other; I think the "same"
option is not mentioned in the TGraph::Paint.... routines. Is this correct??


Marco van Leeuwen

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