Newbie asks I/O question (again)

From: Christopher A. Stevens (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 18:09:48 MEST

Hopefully in text this time.

My background:  I am new to ROOT and this mail group.  I am using ROOT
under Redhat 6.0 (Linux) on a dual Pentium II 333
Mhz x86 machine.  I do airborne navigation related data reduction and
data analysis for the US Dept. of Defense.   Some of the
data files (esp. 1553 bus data) are very large.  I hope to use ROOT to
make this task easier. 

I have used ROOT to make some simple aircraft track plots, error plots,
and some histograms of error.  I am now trying to use
CINT/ROOT to get better at C++ (I am a C programmer).  I found a C++
tutorial on the web and have been trying out some of the
example programs under ROOT.  In the example C++ program they show the
    cout << "The decimal value of index is " << dec << index << "\n"; 
    cout << "The octal value of index is " << oct << index << "\n"; 
    cout << "The hex value of index is " << hex << index << "\n"; 
Using ROOT, I only get the decimal value of index for all three lines. 
Compiling with  g++ works fine though. 

Is this expected, or do I have a problem (installation/coding/etc)? 
I am using ROOT 2.22/10. 

Christopher A. Stevens
Navigation/Data Reduction
Voice (301) 342-3181 x263 Fax   (301) 342-4745

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