
From: Christopher A. Stevens (
Date: Tue Aug 24 1999 - 17:40:09 MEST

I can follow the tutorials/examples and create a scatterplot as so.

TFile *f = new TFile("070299.root");  // contains the TTree cains  
                                      //  with branchs NE, Time
cains->Draw("NE:Time>>cains_plt","(NE > -500) && (NE < 500)");  

This gives me the correct plot of NE variable plotted against time. 
But then I try to use the resulting TH2F cains_plt, by doing
and I don't get the same plot. Why?  Can I set an option or something
to get the original scatterplot?

I can get around this by doing
TGraph *neplt = new TGraph(cains->GetSelectedRows(), cains->GetV2(),
but TGraph doesn't seem to have as many options as using TH2F.

Christopher A. Stevens
Navigation/Data Reduction
Voice (301) 342-3181 x263 Fax   (301) 342-4745

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