Re: TGCompositeFrame::HideFrame() problems

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 16:32:06 MEST

Hi Burt,

 sorry for the delayed answer (I am still working through my backlog
after my trip).

You should call the HideFrame() only after the window has been layed out
and the subwindows have been mapped, but before mapping the main window:

   main->AddFrame(HFrame, fLayout);  main->AddFrame(HFrame2, fLayout);



   main->HideFrame(HFrame2);   // now hide frame HFrame2


and typing:


brings back the hidden frame.

Cheers, Fons.

Burt Holzman wrote:
> Hello ROOTers,
> Having a little trouble with TGCompositeFrame::HideFrame(); I assume
> the functionality is that it should hide subframes completely.  However,
> in this snippet of code, the hidden subframe seems to obscure ones on
> top.
> Any ideas?
> - B
> ------------------
> {
> TGLayoutHints *fLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 2, 2);
> TGMainFrame *main = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 250, 250);
> TGHorizontalFrame *HFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(main, 100, 100);
> TGHorizontalFrame *HFrame2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(main, 100, 100);
> TGTextButton *button1 = new TGTextButton(HFrame, "button1", 1);
> TGTextButton *button2 = new TGTextButton(HFrame, "button2", 2);
> TGTextButton *button3 = new TGTextButton(HFrame2, "button3", 3);
> TGTextButton *button4 = new TGTextButton(HFrame2, "button4", 4);
> button1->Associate(main); button2->Associate(main);
> button3->Associate(main); button4->Associate(main);
> HFrame->AddFrame(button1, fLayout); HFrame->AddFrame(button2, fLayout);
> HFrame2->AddFrame(button3, fLayout); HFrame2->AddFrame(button4,
> fLayout);
> main->AddFrame(HFrame, fLayout);  main->AddFrame(HFrame2, fLayout);
> main->HideFrame(HFrame2);
> main->Resize(main->GetDefaultSize());
> main->MapSubwindows(); main->MapWindow();
> }

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