From: Christoph Borgmeier (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 17:26:55 MEST

Hi all,

I seem to have an environment with a fundamental ROOT problem:

1) different users' code, which is not ROOT-aware and does not want to
   bother with TROOT instantiations

2) one or more libraries, which use ROOT. They can be linked

Up to now, I have only one library, which uses ROOT. It instantiates a
TROOT object. If another library is linked, which does the same, the
program is exited with "only one instance of TROOT allowed".

What can I do, if 1) has to remain valid? If the new-operator of TROOT was
accessible, one could check TROOT::Initialized() before creating an
instance. On the other hand, if the second instanciation would not abort
the program, but simply not initialize itself and not change gROOT,
everything should be fine.

What do you think?

 Christoph Borgmeier    Mail:  DESY F15/HERA-B, Geb. 61/117
                               Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg
 Humboldt Univ Berlin   Phone: +49 40 8998 4850

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