Re: Incorrect implementation of dynamic_cast<>

From: Pasha Murat (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 00:53:01 MEST

George Heintzelman writes:
 > Hi,
 > I was playing around a bit with dynamic_cast<>, having read a bit more 
 > in Stroustrup, who says:
 > 'dynamic_cast<T*>(p) looks at the object pointed to by p (if any). If 
 > that object is of class T or has a unique base class of type T, then 
 > dynamic_cast returns a pointer of type T* to that object; otherwise, 0 
 > is returned.'
 > This seems like very intuitive, useful, and meaningful behavior, and 
 > shouldn't be too hard to implement either, since you've already got 
 > dynamic type information running around.
 > However, if in ROOT I do:
 > class Base {
 >    int foo;
 > };
 > class Derived {
 >    int bar;
 > };
 > Derived *x = new Derived;
 > Base *y = dynamic_cast<Base *>(x);  // This works, as it should;
 > TObject *z = dynamic_cast<TObject *>(x); // This gives non-zero, 
 > 					 // as it shouldn't!
 > George Heintzelman

Hi - I'm not sure if CINT supports C++ RTTI at all and dynamic cast in 
particular - may be Masa can comment on it. However ROOT provides an equivalent 
of dynamic cast which is

		 Bool_t TObject::InheritsFrom(Text_t* classname)

At the same time I doubt that using the dynamic cast would help to solve 
the problem you reported earlier today any better that "normal" C-style cast 
would do. You defined an object which was both - Base and Derived - 
simultaneously and asked the interpreter/compiler 
to decide whether it was Base or Derived when the object was passed as 
a parameter.... Looks like the perfect example of the situation where the
behaviour can be undefined.
							best, Pasha

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