Re: Memory Mapped TList

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 18:45:36 MEST

Hi Colin,

Colin Partridge wrote:
> I have two questions about TMapFIle:
> 1. If a TList is mapped to a TMapFile.  Is it possible to access objects in
> the list from a consumer process.
Yes. For example in the producer:

TList *l = new TList;
l->Add(histo1);    // assume name "histo1"
mfile->Add(l, "list");  // give name since list has no name by default

In the consumer:

TList *l = (TList*)mfile->Get("list");
TH1 *h = (TH1*)l->FindObject("histo1");

Everytime when you do mfile->Get("list") you will get an updated copy
of the list and its contents (assuming the producer did update the list).

> 2. Is it possible to access the objects in a TMapFile if you don't know
> their names.
No, object have to be stored with a name in the TMapFile.

Cheers, Fons.

> Thanks
> --
> Colin Partridge

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