Re: Question: Exceptions in C++

Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 20:10:18 MEST

Hi, Marc

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Marc Hemberger wrote:

> Dear Rooters,
> (no ROOT specific question, only C++)

It should not be posted here then... Use one of the gcc-related mail-lists.

Your question was about why gcc generates 3 objects of class 
Except even it is enough to have only two objects in your test program.

> I have the following problem (not really a problem, but I'd like to
> understand, what's going on). Compiling the program as follows on AIX 4.3
> with xlC_r, I get a very different result than on Linux with egcs:
> #include 		<== different includes for AIX/Linux

#include <iostream>     // In accordance with C++ Standard. Works with gcc.

> class Except
> {
>   public:
>     Except() {   cout << "Except constructor\n"; }
>   Except(const Except &e) { cout << "Except copy constructor\n"; }
>   ~Except() {   cout << "Except destructor\n"; }
>   void fun() { cout << "Except fun\n"; }
> };
> int main()
> {
>   try
>     {
>       throw Except();

I belive that at this point gcc calls constructor for Except and THEN 
passes this object (created via default constructor) to 'try-catch' block 
via copy constractor. The original object is deleted after the copying.

So at this line it is called default ctor 1 time, copy ctor 1 time, dtor 
1 time. At this point one object of class Except is useless.

Please, investigate page and write to 
appropriate mail list for detailed information.

>     }
>     catch(Except x)

Ok, the copy constructor will be called for 'x' object. And it will not 
be called if you use catch(Except &x)
Copy ctor is called 1 time.

>       {
> 	cout << "Caught exception Except" << endl;
>       }
>     catch(...)
>       {
> 	cout << "Caught undefined exception " << endl;
>       }
>   return 0;
> }

And finaly, 2 times Except::~Except() dtor is called.

> On AIX, the result is 		On Linux I get
> (as I would expect it):		(what I don't understand):
> Except constructor		Except constructor
> Except copy constructor		Except copy constructor
> Caught exception Except		Except destructor
> Except fun			Except copy constructor
> Except destructor		Caught exception Except
> Except destructor		Except fun
> 				Except destructor
> 				Except destructor
> Can anybody explain me, why on Linux the copy ctor is called in first
> place and then followed by a dtor? My suspicion is that it has something
> to do with the handling of local scopes in the egcs compiler on Linux. Ha
> somebaody any experience with that? 
> ...

P.S. Your example works (with generation of three objects) on gcc-2.95.1.

With best wishes,
Alexander Zvyagin.

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