grids and pavestext

From: Johann Gutauer (
Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 17:26:45 MEST

Hi Rooters,

I have some (trivial?) problems:

1.) I use a pad with 5 histograms and a grid. I want to lay the grid over 
these histograms. It's always between the first and second histogram. The same 
happens with the stats box in this pad. Is there something like '  c1->
RedrawAxis();' for the grid and the stats box?

2.) Is there a function to set the grid on defined positions or to change the 
distance between the grid lines? I found Get/SetGridLength in the 
TGaxis-Class. There is a nice example, too. If I can use SetGridLengh, I need 
a pointer to the axis on my pad/histogram. How can I get this pointer?

3.) How can I set the color of the dots in an TH2F? I tried to change the 
color with     hops->SetLineColor(2);
like in TH1F but it won't work. What is wrong?

4.) I tried to use TPavestext like in the 'canvas.C' example. I get no error 
and NO pave. I think the problem is with my NDC-coordinates or something with 
the update of the pad.
The pad has the following dimensions:    
pad5 = new TPad("pad5", "pad 5",0.92,0.02,0.99,0.95);

The PavesText is:
  TPavesText paves(0.035, 0.7, 0.9, 0.98);
  paves.AddText("PavesText on pad 5");

Can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance,

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