Re: titling histograms

From: Stephen Markacs (
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 19:09:58 MEST

> >From the root prompt it works like this:
> root [0] f=new TFile("hsimple.root")
> (class TFile*)0x0
> root [1] f->ls()
> TFile**         hsimple.root
>  TFile*         hsimple.root
>   KEY: TH1F     hpx;1   This is the px distribution
>   KEY: TH2F     hpxpy;1 py vs px
>   KEY: TProfile hprof;1 Profile of pz versus px
>   KEY: TNtuple  ntuple;1        Demo ntuple
> root [2] hpx->Draw()
> Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
> root [3] hpx->SetTitle("new title")
> root [4] 

This works if you have a histogram.  I knew about SetTitle.  My deal
though is that I am using TNtuple.Draw() to draw histograms.  When done
like this, the histogram is not named and so I can't just call it's
SetTitle unless I can get to it through it's pad.  For instance, I could
imagine a syntax like:

c = new TCanvas("c","c")
c.GetSubPad(1).GetHisto().SetTitle("some new title")

or somesuch.

As I said before, I don't want to use the Draw("somefield>>h") drawing to
histogram technique because then I have to manually range and bin every
histogram, which is extrememly inconvenient.  I was just thinking there
should be a way to descend the container heirarchy to get to a histogram
from the main canvas.

   S t e p h e n   M a r k a c s 

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