Re: .root files size limit?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 08:23:45 MEST

Hi Bill, David, Chris,

I have nothing to add to what I wrote in the URL below.

Some changes are required to support large files (on systems supporting
large files). It is mainly a question of getting access to a machine
with a very good response time and about 8 Gbytes of free disk space.
The changes in the code should be small.
I have recently followed the experience in Babar in their attempt to
files bigger than 2 Gbytes. They have experienced a considerable number
of problems with shell scripts, perl, etc. As a consequence they have
to postpone this exercise and came back to "small" files.
We should add a protection in the Root I/O system to stop writing in a
(case of TTrees) when approaching the fatal line in such a way that the
Tree or/and file header can still be written correctly.

Rene Brun

David d'Enterria wrote:
> Hi William,
> William Love ha escrit:
> > I was running a program writing a root file output and it stopped with an
> > output file  1999999975 Oct  5 13:28 R3452_1_lasertree.root
> > Unfortunately I don't remember the error but I assume I have hit a file
> > size limit?  I can use the file by root's automatic recovery but when I
> > tried to save the recovered directory I find Error in <TKey::Create>: Cannot
> > allocate 2833 bytes for ID = R3452_1_lasertree.root Title = Error in
> > <TKey::Create>: Cannot allocate 66 bytes for ID = R3452_1_lasertree.root
> > Title =
> > This makes it even more likely I have hit a maximum size limit in root?
> >  Is there any way to convince root to write larger files?
> This subject has already been addressed in this mailing list. Take a look at:
> Perhaps Rene Brun has got some new information concerning this (since 29 Jul
> 1999) ?
> Best regards,
> David d'Enterria
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