Re: ROOT version 2.23/04, another problem

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 21:55:17 MEST

Hi Michal,
Yes, today we have also realized that this problem can happen
when executing a macro multiple times in the same session.
This is a consequence of Root being organized in independent libs.
The library libHistPainter is now loaded dynamically when it is
necessary. However, when CINT needs a reexecute a macro, it deletes
the recently loaded shared libs.
This problem has been reported to Masa and we hope to get a fix very soon.
Meanwhile, you can circumvent the problem by adding in your rootlogon.C
macro the following statement:

Rene Brun

On 18 Oct 1999 wrote:

>   Hello,
>   Below is a sample macro which when executed more than once in a single
>   root 2.23/04 session (SunOS5.7) crashes with segment violation
>   in line 60  while there is no problem executing it several times
>   in root 2.22/10.
>    Thank you and regards,
>    Michal Lijowski
> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   void test_hist()
> {
>    gROOT -> Reset();
>    Char_t  MacroName[40] = "test_hist";
>    gBenchmark -> Start(MacroName);
>    gROOT -> SetStyle("Plain");
>    gStyle -> SetOptStat(11);
>    gStyle -> SetCanvasColor(10);
>    const Int_t  Xsize = 1100, Ysize = 520;
> // create a new Root file
>     Char_t  outfile[200];
>     sprintf(outfile, "%s%s.root", MacroName);
>     printf("  Output file  %s\n", outfile);
>     TFile *top = new TFile(outfile, "recreate");
>    Char_t  htitle[80], ctitle[40], cname[40], outps[120];
>    Float_t  AA = 100.0;
>    Float_t  BB1 = 550.0;
>    Float_t  BB2 = 260.0;
>    Float_t  CC1 = 200.0;
>    Float_t  CC2 = 100.0;
>    sprintf(htitle, "TEST HISTOGRAM");
>    Float_t  xxmin = 0, xxmax = Xsize, yymin = 0, yymax = Ysize;
>    TH2F *HH = new TH2F("HH", htitle, Xsize, xxmin, xxmax, Ysize, yymin, yymax);
>    HH -> SetXTitle("X - coordinate (half pixel)");
>    HH -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(kTRUE);
>    HH -> SetYTitle("Y - coordinate (half pixel)");
>    HH -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(kTRUE);
> // fill the histogram
>    Float_t  wwmin = 5.0, wwmax = 10.0;
>    for  (Int_t yk = 0; yk < Ysize; yk++) {
>        Float_t  YY = (Float_t) yk;
>        for  (Int_t xk = 0; xk < Xsize; xk++) {
>            Float_t  XX = (Float_t) xk;
>            Float_t  argx = (XX - BB1) / CC1;
>            Float_t  argy = (YY - BB2) / CC2; 
>            Float_t  ZZ1 = TMath::Exp(-0.5 * argx * argx);
>            Float_t  ZZ2 = TMath::Exp(-0.5 * argy * argy);
>            Float_t  ww = AA * ZZ1 * ZZ2;
>            HH -> Fill(XX, YY, ww);
>        }
>    }
>    printf("  Done filling  histogram  %d\n", HH -> GetEntries());
>    Int_t  ii = 0;
>    sprintf(ctitle, "Canvas %d", ii);
>    cc1 = new TCanvas("cc1", ctitle, 1100, 900);
>    cc1 -> SetTicks();
>    HH -> DrawCopy();
>    cc1 -> Update();
>    top -> Write();
>    top -> Close();
>    gBenchmark -> Show(MacroName);
> }

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