
From: Volker B\ (
Date: Fri Oct 29 1999 - 17:12:23 MEST


when I use TTree::AutoSave() after each Tree::fill() the resulting
rootfile is many times larger than in the case when I only save once at
the end of the run. For example the Program `Event' in the `test'
directory writes a 14.7MB Event.root per default. If I add
`tree->AutoSave();' after each event the file is 156MB.

It seems as if the "older versions" are not overwritten by subsequent
AutoSaves. (There is also one additional tree in the rootfile for every
save, as stated in the TTree description.)

I played with the maxvirtsize arg of TTree:TTree() also, but the resulting
intermediate dumps didn't allow a key recovery.

How can I make the AutoSave procedure more effective? I don't want to
loose to much data in case of a crash but i also don't want the program to
crash because of a lack of disk space.

Thanks in advance

Volker B"orchers, Uni Bremen, NW1, Raum 03160, Tel. +49-421-218-4522

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