Re: TLorentzVector

From: M. Sievers (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 11:58:05 MET

On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Nick van Eijndhoven wrote:

> Hi Victor,
> Maybe I am missing a point here, but the dotproduct you mention
> below has to my opinion no physical meaning and as such I would
> say should not be supported or at least the user should receive a
> warning message that he/she is doing nonsense.
> However, as I said I may be missing a point here and then I am
> saying nonsense.

I'd say a dot product with a three-Vector makes sense much in the same way
as an angle to a three-vector does! You could make a four-vector for
example by taking tracking information for the momentum and calorimeter
information for the energy (should be possible...). And you should still
be able to compare it to other tracks!


Michael Sievers
esa$ gcc -Wall -o ariane5 ariane4.c
ariane4.c: 666: warning: long float implicitly truncated to unsigned type
esa$ ariane5

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