Re: yet another time about TLorentzVector and TVector3

From: Pasha Murat at (630)840-8237 (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 20:02:55 MET

Martin Weber wrote:
> Hi Pasha,
> using inheritance raises more problems than it solves, e.g. the dot
> product. Maybe you could make TVector3 a member of TLorentzVector:
> class TLorentzVector {
>   Double_t E;  // time / energy component
>   TVector3 P;  // space / momentum component
> ....
> };
> This represents more the physical structure of TLorentzVector, which
> consists of a TVector3 and another component, and has the advantage not to
> create a temporary if you write
> TVector3 & TLorentzVector::Vect() { return P; };
> I don't see a problem writing
> jet.Vect().DrEtaPhi(track)
> then.
> Martin

Hi Martin, 

I also dont' see a problem with typing `jet.Vect()' and it is certainly true
that a
Lorentz vector needs a method returning a pointer/reference to its 
3D(space) component of type TVector3, which would just return a pointer without
doing extra work for free. I don't think though that Vect() is the best name for
Suppose you have defined a jet which has its 4-momentum being a data member: 

  class Jet {
    TLorentzVector fFourMomentum;

Immediately after defining an accessor function

  TLorentzVector& Jet::FourMomentum() { return fFourMomentum; }

you find that 


confusingly is a THREE-VECTOR.... One needs to think about the right name

I do not agree however that inheritance of TLorentzVector from TVector3
ambiguities - this is a "developers" argument, not "users". I've been using 4-
3-vector classes with 4-vector inheriting from 3-vector for a couple of years
didn't have any trouble with it, just conveniences. There is no *practical*
in the definition of the scalar (dot) product - see today's comments by Victor 
Perevozchikov on this subject.

Next, if you invert the order of the data members in your example

class TLorentzVector {
  TVector3 P;  // space / momentum component
  Double_t E;  // time / energy component

implementation-wise you'll get memory mapping very similar to what is provided
inheritance. This example also demonstrates an implementational problem: in 
ROOT's world where everything is a TObject, both TLorentzVector and TVector3
are TObject's. Practical consequence of this is that with the present
of TObject, which has non-static data members, you increase the size of your
by about 15% without any practical reason for it. If you have a lot of
15% also counts. The "theoretical" side is that in case of 4-vector you don't
its space component to be an independent object with its own object ID and a set
access bits - there is just no way of using them.

Summarizing, at present I see only advantages in the scheme where TLorentzVector 
inherits from TVector3 and I'd really like to see a single example of where 
inheritance of 4-vector from 3-vector creates a PRACTICAL ambiguity or
which would complicate user's life.
							-best, Pasha

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