Re: long file names in TFile ctor

From: Victor Perevoztchikov (
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 01:34:17 MET

Hi Rene,
> Two changes are required:
>  - in TFile::Init remove limitation to 300 chars
>  - in TString::Streamer: implement support for long strings

One more. System::ExpandPathName supposed the limit 256

And concerning to TString::Streamer it could be backward incompatible with old
.root files

PS. Actually I can not imagine who can use such terrible file names

Rene Brun wrote:
> Hi David,
> I have fixed this problem in my development version 2.23/09.
> Two changes are required:
>  - in TFile::Init remove limitation to 300 chars
>  - in TString::Streamer: implement support for long strings
> Rene Brun
> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, David Kirkby wrote:
> > Hi - I have found a problem opening root files which were created with
> > very long path names:
> >
> >   *******************************************
> >   *                                         *
> >   *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
> >   *                                         *
> >   *   Version   2.23/07   27 October 1999   *
> >   *                                         *
> >   *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
> >   *            *
> >   *                                         *
> >   *******************************************
> >
> > FreeType Engine v1.1 used to render TrueType fonts.
> >
> > CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.14.20, Oct 20 1999
> > Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
> > Enclose multiple statements between { }.
> > root [0] TFile f(...veryLongPathHere..., "CREATE");
> > root [1] f.Close();
> > root [2] TFile g(...veryLongPathHere..., "READ");
> > Error in <TFile::Init>: Cannot read directory info
> >
> > The error is generated when the size of the TNamed base class of the TFile
> > object exceeds 300 bytes. In my test, I used a path 145 characters long.
> > Presumably this is intended as a sanity check before reading Mb of 'name'
> > data, but isn't a 300 byte limit too short, especially since the ctor
> > doesn't make any check on the length when you create the file.
> >
> > Can this 300 byte limit be increased significantly or removed in a future
> > release, or is there a good reason to keep it?
> >
> > David Kirkby
> > Stanford University
> > BaBar/SLAC
> >

Victor M. Perevoztchikov       
Brookhaven National Laboratory MS 510A PO Box 5000 Upton NY 11973-5000
tel office : 631-344-7894; fax 631-344-4206; home 631-345-2690

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