Warning or error message "CustomReAlloc2: oldsize != size"

From: Sergei Avvakumov (avva@miranda.fnal.gov)
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 23:55:13 MET


I've reported this same "CustomReAlloc2: oldsize != size" error message
from calls to TVector::ResizeTo() about 1 year ago, it was in ROOT 2.00,
but I don't remember the minor version number. I've got the reply that it
was a bug and that it was fixed. So this message disappeared after I
upgraded to the next version and I haven't seen it for a year. But after I
upgraded ROOT from 2.22/10 to 2.23/08 recently this message reappeared, it
seems to be absolutely harmless, though. 


Sergei Avvakumov

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