Dear all, I just install the root49 lib,according to the introduction of install,I try to compile and link the macro program V0Example.C when I type : [fengsq@na49 macro]$ make -f Makefile.Macro g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -I/ROOT/root/include -I/na49/local/root/include -I/na49/pro/inc -I/na49/pro/T49/T49DST/inc -I/na49/pro/T49/T49DST/inc -I/na49/pro/T49/T49ANA/inc -c V0Example.C V0Example.C: In function `int main(int, char **)': V0Example.C:112: no matching function for call to `T49CutV0::SetV0TrackArray (TClonesArray *&)' V0Example.C:123: `V0TrackList' undeclared (first use this function) V0Example.C:123: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once V0Example.C:123: for each function it appears in.) gmake: *** [V0Example.o] Error 1 The V0Example.C is Example macro for V0 analysis as follow: #ifndef __CINT_ // C++ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> // ROOT #include <TROOT.h> #include <TSystem.h> #include <TClassTable.h> #include <TFile.h> #include <TObject.h> #include <TObjArray.h> #include <TClonesArray.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TH1.h> #include <TH2.h> #include <TMath.h> // T49DST #include <T49Run.h> #include <T49EventRoot.h> #include <T49DstVertex.h> #include <T49DstParticle.h> // T49ANA #include <T49V0Minv.h> #include <T49CutV0.h> //extern void InitGui(); //VoidFuncPtr_t initfuncs[] = {InitGui, 0}; TROOT root("Rint","Root class"); int main (int argc, char **argv) #else void V0Example() #endif { #ifdef __CINT__ // Reset the ROOT environment gROOT.Reset(); // Dynamically link some shared libs gSystem->Load(""); gSystem->Load(""); #endif T49EventRoot *Event; TObjArray *V0List; T49DstVertex *V0; TObjArray *VertexList; T49DstParticle *MainTrack; T49DstVertex *MainVertex; TClonesArray *MainTrackList; TClonesArray *SecTrackList; //define a V0TrackList //TClonesArray *V0TrackList; T49V0Minv *Lambda = new T49V0Minv("minLambda","Invariant mass spectra for the lambda","L",3,0.0,3.0,2,1.5,4.5); T49CutV0 *V0Cut = new T49CutV0("cuts","V0 cuts"); T49Run *Run = new T49Run(); // maximum number of events to process const Int_t maxEvent = 1000; // Open the ROOT-Mini-DST Run->Open("/home/fengsq/run2625.2.root"); TH2F *hArmenteros = new TH2F("hArmenteros","Armenteros Plot" ,60,-1.1,1.1,25,0.0,0.25); TH1F *hCosThe = new TH1F("hCosThe" ,"Cos(theta) lambda",100,-1.5,1.5); TH1F *hLifetime = new TH1F("hLifetime" ,"Lifetime lambda (10^-10! s)",100,0,10); TH1F *hPosPt = new TH1F("hPosPt" ,"positive daughter pt (non-vtx)" ,50,0,5); TH1F *hNegPt = new TH1F("hNegPt" ,"negative daughter pt (non-vtx)" ,50,0,5); TH1F *hPosMainPt = new TH1F("hPosMainPt","positive daughter pt (main-vtx)",50,0,5); TH1F *hNegMainPt = new TH1F("hNegMainPt","negative daughter pt (main-vtx)",50,0,5); // Define the V0-cuts V0Cut->SetStandardCuts(); V0Cut->SetVerbose(1); Int_t nEvent = 0; while ((Event = (T49EventRoot *) Run->GetNextEvent()) && (nEvent < maxEvent)) { // Get the list of all main-vertex tracks MainTrackList = Event->GetPrimaryParticles(); // Get the list of all secondary daughter tracks SecTrackList = Event->GetSecondaryParticles(); // Get the list with all vertices (main + V0) VertexList = Event->GetVertices(); cout << " Run " << Event->GetNRun() << " event " << Event->GetNEvent() << " with " << VertexList->GetEntries() << " vertices " << endl; // Get the main vertex (needed for the V0 lifetime) // The first in the list is the geometrical target position, // the second one the fitted vertex position MainVertex = (T49DstVertex *) VertexList->At(1); if (MainVertex->GetIdVtx() == 11) { cout << " No fitted main vertex" << endl; MainVertex = (T49DstVertex *) VertexList->At(0); } // Reconstruct the pointer to the V0 daughter tracks V0Cut->SetV0TrackArray(SecTrackList); // Get the list of accepted V0s V0List = V0Cut->GetAcceptedV0s(VertexList); // Loop through all accepted V0s for (Int_t idxV0 = 0; idxV0 < V0List->GetEntries(); idxV0++) { V0 = (T49DstVertex *) V0List->At(idxV0); // Reconstruct the pointers to the daughter tracks V0->SetDaughters(V0TrackList); // Fill the invariant mass spectra Lambda->Fill(V0); // Fill histograms hArmenteros->Fill(V0->GetArmenterosAlpha(),V0->GetArmenterosPt()); hCosThe->Fill(V0->GetCosThetaLambda()); hLifetime->Fill(V0->GetLifetimeLambda(MainVertex)); // The daughter tracks (no TOF- and dEdx-information) hPosPt->Fill(V0->GetPositiveTrack()->GetPt()); hNegPt->Fill(V0->GetNegativeTrack()->GetPt()); // Get the main-vertex tracks (only global tracks) of the daughters // Needed to have access to, e.g., the TOF- and dEdx-information if ((MainTrack = V0->GetPositiveMainTrack(MainTrackList))) hPosMainPt->Fill(MainTrack->GetPt()); if ((MainTrack = V0->GetNegativeMainTrack(MainTrackList))) hNegMainPt->Fill(MainTrack->GetPt()); } // Count the number of events Lambda->IncrementEvent(); nEvent++; } // Print the definition of the invariant mass spectra Lambda->Print(); // Draw the invariant mass spectra Lambda->Draw(); // Print the cut statistics V0Cut->PrintCuts(); V0Cut->PrintStatistics(); // Draw the other histograms TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","V0Example",10,10,600,900); c1->Divide(1,3); c1->cd(1); hArmenteros->SetXTitle("Alpha"); hArmenteros->SetYTitle("Pt (GeV/c)"); hArmenteros->Draw(); c1->cd(2); gPad->Divide(2,1); gPad->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hPosPt->SetLineColor(38); hPosPt->SetXTitle("pt (GeV/c)"); hPosPt->Draw(); hPosMainPt->SetLineColor(46); hPosMainPt->Draw("SAME"); c1->cd(2); gPad->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hNegPt->SetLineColor(38); hNegPt->SetXTitle("pt (GeV/c)"); hNegPt->Draw(); hNegMainPt->SetLineColor(46); hNegMainPt->Draw("SAME"); c1->cd(3); gPad->Divide(2,1); gPad->cd(1); hCosThe->SetLineColor(46); hCosThe->SetXTitle("cos(theta)"); hCosThe->Draw(); c1->cd(3); gPad->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hLifetime->SetLineColor(46); hLifetime->SetXTitle("lifetime (10^10! s"); hLifetime->Draw(); // Save the V0Minv-class TFile *fout = new TFile("lambda.root","RECREATE"); Lambda->Write(); fout->Close(); //Run->Close(); #ifndef __CINT__ return 0; #endif } Best regards,Shengqin
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