Re: TTree::MakeCode() [was Re: pb in TTree::MakeCode() ?]

From: M. Sievers (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 13:20:46 MET

On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Damir Buskulic wrote:

> Hi Rene and all,
> What about newcomers ? I know several people who like MakeCode because
> it goes the procedural way, the way they are used to. It will take quite
> a bit of time for everybody to switch to C++ and there will always be
> opponents to that switch. Why force everybody to understand the classes
> concepts in depth, when in a first approach a procedural one is enough ?
> I personally use MakeCode when the problem is simple, even if I know C++
> after a few years...
> And I don't think that even a simple problem does not need an in depth
> knowledge of C++. Simple problems become more complex very quickly.


I do agree. I like to use MakeCode because it is very easy for me to look
at and understand, and to know how to quickly plug in the code I need. It
is an easy transition especially from paw, and it is easy to understand
for other people I show the code to (that only know how to use paw). I
would like to see MakeCode() staying with us.


Michael Sievers
esa$ gcc -Wall -o ariane5 ariane4.c
ariane4.c: 666: warning: long float implicitly truncated to unsigned type
esa$ ariane5

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