Could you check this for me?

From: Minjeong Kim (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 23:09:33 MET

Hello all,

I can't find any mistake in my macro file, but when I look at my 
ps file, bin size and the total number of bins are not correct.
Can you find any mistake in my lines?

emmm120 = new TH2F("emmm120",
"e-/e+ vs mu-/mu+",15,0,15,15,0,15);

h120 is PAW Ntuple h2rooted and to fill ntuple conveniently I 
treated nmuon and nelectrn as float, but in fact, nmuon &
nelectrn mean total number of electrons and muons and vary from
0 to 15. So I tried to control the bin size as 1 and the number 
of bins as 15.    

I hope I can get solution. Thanks.

 Min Jeong Kim (CDF/KHCL)
     E-mail :    
     Office : CDF 137-B (X8473)  

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