Wildcard in LinkDef.h

From: Christoph Borgmeier (borg@mail.desy.de)
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 18:39:18 MET

Hello everyone,

it seems to me that the wildcard feature in LinkDef has disappeared in
version 2.23. I need template instanciations and could do it up to version
2.22 with

template<class T> class A { ... };


#pragma link C++ class A*;

In version 2.22, rootcint creates the necessary Streamer, Class_Name, etc.
functions. A new part in UTILS_rootcint.cxx (version 2.23) seems to
prevent this now:

   // Read LinkDef file and process valid entries (STK)

Am I doing something wrong, or is there a way to get the old behaviour

And is there maybe even a way to get the '-' and '!' (no Streamer
etc) added to the wildcard? (Apparently, that was never possible.)

Best regards

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