Re: TH1F normalization and error-bars

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 16:17:05 MET

Hi Steffen,
By default, errors bars are computed as sqrt(bin content).
If you want correct error bars to be computed and stored,
you have to call
before filling the histogram in T.Draw(..

Rene Brun

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Steffen A. Bass wrote:

> Hello folks!
> I have a simple greenhorn problem with the normalization of a 1D
> histogram:
> I have a Tree T containing a variable fY, the distribution of which I want
> to plot in a histogram, normalized per event.
> So, first I create the histogram (30 bins from -2 to 2):
> dndy1 = new TH1F("dndy","dN/dy of pi0",30,-2.0,2.0); 
> Then I use T.Draw to fill the histo and plot it with error-bars:
> T.Draw("fY>>dndy","1/(5000*4/30)*(fId==111)","e1");
> I have normalized my histogram so that the integral of the distribution
> gives me the number of selected entries (particles) per event):
> "1/(5000*4/30)" = 1/number_of_events_in_tree * 1/bin_width
> However, the error-bars are not getting renormalized (i.e. rescaled)
> properly (or at all) - the result is far too large error bars for the
> distribution.
> What am I doing wrong and how to I get the proper error-bars for my
> normalized histogram? 
> Would it not be more convenient to at least have the division by the
> bin-width automatically done in the histogramming, i.e. in the fill
> method?
> Thanks a lot for the help!
> Steffen
> PS: I have tried to fill out the registration form, but somehow your 
> computer does not respond when I click on the "submit registration"
> button...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Steffen A. Bass                                 email:
>   Cyclotron Laboratory             
>   Michigan State University                         office: (517) 333-6434
>   East Lansing, MI  48823                              FAX: (517) 353-5967
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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