Re: No symbol gProofServer

Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 08:54:25 MET


I think I've also experienced this with ROOT 2.23/09.  I ran a macro which
was ok with ROOT 2.22/10 then I get a message "No symbol gProofServer" in
the end of the job, although everything seems to be in order aside from

Best wishes,

IITHEP, MSU-IIT, Philippines

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Marco van Leeuwen wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using a simple macro to plot some information from an TNtuple, read
> from a file. The second time I run it, a sequence of errormessages are
> generated, like "No symbol gProofServer" and "No symbol gProof". Althought
> everything seems to work out well, I think this shoudl be investigated. I
> tried to do it myself, but I was soon lost in the code. Therefore, I send
> you my macro (see below).
> Regards,
> Marco van Leeuwen.
> I'm using root v2.23/09 and the TNtuple in the file is not extraordinary
> large (5 variables, 105 Entries).
> --- Macro.C
> {{
>   gROOT->Reset();
>   TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","Canvas #1",500,500);
> gPad->DrawFrame(2.5,0.8,40,1.7);
>   TFile fin("vtx_cali_fit.root");
> TNtuple *NT = (TNtuple*) fin->Get("NT");   // Leaving this line out or
> putting it in doesn't change anything
>   Char_t crit[50];
>   for (Int_t
> type=1; type < 4; type++) {
>     NT->SetMarkerStyle(type+2);
> sprintf(&crit,"type==%d",type);
>     NT->Draw("mean:p",crit,"same");
>   }
> }}

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