(no subject)

From: Anthony Faust (afaust@dres.dnd.ca)
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 18:45:50 MET

Good morning,

	I have a compiled class that includes an inline function as follows,

#ifndef TXrayHit_hh
#define TXrayHit_hh 1

#include "TObject.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"

class TXrayHit : public TObject {
   virtual ~TXrayHit();


   inline TLorentzVector GetP() const;
   Float_t	fPx;           // momentum
   Float_t	fPy;           // momentum
   Float_t	fPz;           // momentum
   Float_t	fE;            // energy

   ClassDef(TXrayHit,1)  //A detector hit

inline TLorentzVector TXrayHit::GetP() const 
     TLorentzVector p(0.,0.,0.,0.);
     p.SetPxPyPzE(fPx, fPy, fPz, fE);
     return p;

	The shared library builds correctly and loads fine and seems to show the 
function is known to root,

root [3] .class TXrayHit
(compiled)        0:0    0 public: TLorentzVector GetP(void) const;

but when I try to access this function in my analysis macro, I get the following 

ld.so.1: /export/home/afaust/bin/root/bin/root.exe: fatal: relocation error: 
file /home/afaust/xray/sim/root/../g4/Xray/root/libEvent.so: symbol 
__0oOTLorentzVectorctdNDB: referenced symbol not found

Any suggestions?

I am using Sun/Solaris 5.6 for SPARC with CC compiler, ROOT version 2.23/09


Dr. Anthony A. Faust                            | Anthony.Faust@dres.dnd.ca
Defence Research Establishment Suffield         | PH:  (403) 544-5362
Box 4000, Medicine Hat, Alberta, CANADA T1A 8K6 | FAX: (403) 544-4704

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