Re: Vertical axis title orientation

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 09:50:49 MET

Hi Stephen,
Somewhere you are setting a font type to be like 60 instead of 62.
In Root version 2.23 all axis titles, histogram titles, text
in TPaveLabels and TPaveTexts are drawn via TLatex objects unless
the font precision is 0. This has the big advantage that you can
draw complex Latex expressions in these objects.
In Root the convention for fonts is
  10xfontNumber + precision
For example 62 means font 6 with precision 2.
If you have set somewhere a precision 0, then hardware fonts
are used instead of TLatex objects. These fonts are
non rotatable.

Check your fonts settings and use precision 2.

Rene Brun

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Stephen Bailey wrote:

> Hi.
> For some reason ROOT v2.23/09 on my Linux machine thinks I
> want my vertical axis titles to be oriented horizontally.  e.g.
>   TH1S* h1 = new TH1S("h1", "BsMass", 60, 5.0, 5.6);
>   h1->SetYTitle("Events");
>   h1->Draw();
> Draws the "Events" title horizonally and mostly off the canvas.
> The exact same commands on ROOT v2.22/06 product what I want:
> the "Events" title printed vertically and on the canvas.
> I have not been able to find a way to set the default orientation
> of the vertical axis, or even change it at all.  Can anyone tell
> me how to get my vertical axis titles printed vertically again?
> Thanks.
> Stephen

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