redirecting histogram statistics to file

From: Ben Kilminster (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 00:58:23 MET


I am interested in dumping the contents of the statistics box of a
histogram to a file. 

The application is for when one has a large number of root files and is
interested in only a summary of histogram information for each one. 

I tried several things at the question mark, but was unsuccessful.
The problem has something to do with the fact that the pad is divided. 

void format_getStat()
TFile f("data.root");

// plot histogram in pad
myc = new TCanvas("myc","All purpose canvas");
pad1 = new TPad("pad1","This is pad1",0.02,0.02,0.98,0.9,33);
myntuple->Draw("mass_jets", "numJets==3");

// print out statistics for histogram
TPaveText *stats = (TPaveText*)gPad->GetPrimitive("stats");
// where to go from here ?
// stats->Print(); >> test1 // works for divided canvas or undivided pad,
                            // but not for divided pad	






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