class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TH3 : public TH1, public TAtt3D

virtual Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t, Stat_t) virtual Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t, Axis_t, Stat_t) virtual Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z, Stat_t w) public:
TH3 TH3() TH3 TH3(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, Axis_t xlow, Axis_t xup, Int_t nbinsy, Axis_t ylow, Axis_t yup, Int_t nbinsz, Axis_t zlow, Axis_t zup) TH3 TH3(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, const Float_t* xbins, Int_t nbinsy, const Float_t* ybins, Int_t nbinsz, const Float_t* zbins) TH3 TH3(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, const Double_t* xbins, Int_t nbinsy, const Double_t* ybins, Int_t nbinsz, const Double_t* zbins) TH3 TH3(const TH3&) virtual void ~TH3() virtual Int_t BufferEmpty(Bool_t deleteBuffer = kFALSE) static TClass* Class() virtual void Copy(TObject& hnew) const virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t, Stat_t) virtual Int_t Fill(const char*, Stat_t) Int_t Fill(Axis_t, const char*, Stat_t) Int_t Fill(const char*, Axis_t, Stat_t) Int_t Fill(const char*, const char*, Stat_t) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(const char* namex, const char* namey, const char* namez, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(const char* namex, Axis_t y, const char* namez, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(const char* namex, const char* namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char* namey, const char* namez, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char* namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w) virtual Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, const char* namez, Stat_t w) virtual void FillRandom(const char* fname, Int_t ntimes = 5000) virtual void FillRandom(TH1* h, Int_t ntimes = 5000) virtual void FitSlicesZ(TF1* f1 = 0, Int_t binminx = 1, Int_t binmaxx = 0, Int_t binminy = 1, Int_t binmaxy = 0, Int_t cut = 0, Option_t* option = "QNR") virtual void GetRandom3(Axis_t& x, Axis_t& y, Axis_t& z) virtual void GetStats(Stat_t* stats) const virtual Stat_t Integral(Option_t* option) const virtual Stat_t Integral(Int_t, Int_t, Option_t*) const virtual Stat_t Integral(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Option_t*) const virtual Stat_t Integral(Int_t binx1, Int_t binx2, Int_t biny1, Int_t biny2, Int_t binz1, Int_t binz2, Option_t* option) const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Double_t KolmogorovTest(TH1* h2, Option_t* option) const virtual Int_t Merge(TCollection* list) TH1* Project3D(Option_t* option = "x") const TH1D* ProjectionZ(const char* name = "_pz", Int_t firstxbin = -1, Int_t lastxbin = 9999, Int_t firstybin = 0, Int_t lastybin = -1, Option_t* option) const virtual void PutStats(Stat_t* stats) virtual void Reset(Option_t* option) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Sizeof3D() const virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

See also


Class Description

*-*  The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes.
*-*  all operations are supported (fill, fit).
*-*  Drawing is currently restricted to one single option.
*-*  A cloud of points is drawn. The number of points is proportional to
*-*  cell content.

  TH3C a 3-D histogram with one byte per cell (char)
  TH3S a 3-D histogram with two bytes per cell (short integer)
  TH3F a 3-D histogram with four bytes per cell (float)
  TH3D a 3-D histogram with eight bytes per cell (double)



TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Axis_t xlow,Axis_t xup ,Int_t nbinsy,Axis_t ylow,Axis_t yup ,Int_t nbinsz,Axis_t zlow,Axis_t zup) :TH1(name,title,nbinsx,xlow,xup), TAtt3D()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ==================================================

TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins) :TH1(name,title,nbinsx,xbins), TAtt3D()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
*-*            =======================================================

TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins) :TH1(name,title,nbinsx,xbins), TAtt3D()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
*-*            =======================================================


void Copy(TObject &obj) const

Int_t BufferEmpty(Bool_t deleteBuffer)
 Fill histogram with all entries in the buffer.

Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
 accumulate arguments in buffer. When buffer is full, empty the buffer
 fBuffer[0] = number of entries in buffer
 fBuffer[1] = w of first entry
 fBuffer[2] = x of first entry
 fBuffer[3] = y of first entry
 fBuffer[4] = z of first entry

Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment cell defined by x,y,z by 1 *-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ====================================

Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment cell defined by x,y,z by a weight w*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =============================================
*-* If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
*-* via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
*-* by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(const char *namex, const char *namey, const char *namez, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by namex,namey,namez by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(const char *namex, Axis_t y, const char *namez, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by namex,y,namez by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(const char *namex, const char *namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by namex,namey,z by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char *namey, const char *namez, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by x,namey,namezz by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char *namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by x,namey,z by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, const char *namez, Stat_t w)
 Increment cell defined by x,y,namez by a weight w

 If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
 via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
 by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

void FillRandom(const char *fname, Int_t ntimes)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill histogram following distribution in function fname*-*-*-*
*-*          =======================================================
*-*   The distribution contained in the function fname (TF1) is integrated
*-*   over the channel contents.
*-*   It is normalized to 1.
*-*   Getting one random number implies:
*-*     - Generating a random number between 0 and 1 (say r1)
*-*     - Look in which bin in the normalized integral r1 corresponds to
*-*     - Fill histogram channel
*-*   ntimes random numbers are generated
*-*  One can also call TF1::GetRandom to get a random variate from a function.

void FillRandom(TH1 *h, Int_t ntimes)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill histogram following distribution in histogram h*-*-*-*
*-*          ====================================================
*-*   The distribution contained in the histogram h (TH3) is integrated
*-*   over the channel contents.
*-*   It is normalized to 1.
*-*   Getting one random number implies:
*-*     - Generating a random number between 0 and 1 (say r1)
*-*     - Look in which bin in the normalized integral r1 corresponds to
*-*     - Fill histogram channel
*-*   ntimes random numbers are generated

void FitSlicesZ(TF1 *f1, Int_t binminx, Int_t binmaxx, Int_t binminy, Int_t binmaxy, Int_t cut, Option_t *option)
 Project slices along Z in case of a 3-D histogram, then fit each slice
 with function f1 and make a 2-d histogram for each fit parameter
 Only cells in the bin range [binminx,binmaxx] and [binminy,binmaxy] are considered.
 if f1=0, a gaussian is assumed
 Before invoking this function, one can set a subrange to be fitted along Z
 via f1->SetRange(zmin,zmax)
 The argument option (default="QNR") can be used to change the fit options.
     "Q" means Quiet mode
     "N" means do not show the result of the fit
     "R" means fit the function in the specified function range

 Note that the generated histograms are added to the list of objects
 in the current directory. It is the user's responsability to delete
 these histograms.

  Example: Assume a 3-d histogram h3
   Root > h3->FitSlicesZ(); produces 4 TH2D histograms
          with h3_0 containing parameter 0(Constant) for a Gaus fit
                    of each cell in X,Y projected along Z
          with h3_1 containing parameter 1(Mean) for a gaus fit
          with h3_2 containing parameter 2(RMS)  for a gaus fit
          with h3_chi2 containing the chisquare/number of degrees of freedom for a gaus fit

   Root > h3->Fit(0,15,22,0,0,10);
          same as above, but only for bins 15 to 22 along X
          and only for cells in X,Y for which the corresponding projection
          along Z has more than cut bins filled.

  NOTE: To access the generated histograms in the current directory, do eg:
     TH2D *h3_1 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("h3_1");

void GetRandom3(Axis_t &x, Axis_t &y, Axis_t &z)
 return 3 random numbers along axis x , y and z distributed according
 the cellcontents of a 3-dim histogram

void GetStats(Stat_t *stats) const
 fill the array stats from the contents of this histogram
 The array stats must be correctly dimensionned in the calling program.
 stats[0] = sumw
 stats[1] = sumw2
 stats[2] = sumwx
 stats[3] = sumwx2
 stats[4] = sumwy
 stats[5] = sumwy2
 stats[6] = sumwxy
 stats[7] = sumwz
 stats[8] = sumwz2

Stat_t Integral(Option_t *option) const
Return integral of bin contents. Only bins in the bins range are considered.
 By default the integral is computed as the sum of bin contents in the range.
 if option "width" is specified, the integral is the sum of
 the bin contents multiplied by the bin width in x, y and in z.

Stat_t Integral(Int_t binx1, Int_t binx2, Int_t biny1, Int_t biny2, Int_t binz1, Int_t binz2, Option_t *option) const
Return integral of bin contents in range [binx1,binx2],[biny1,biny2],[binz1,binz2]
 for a 3-D histogram
 By default the integral is computed as the sum of bin contents in the range.
 if option "width" is specified, the integral is the sum of
 the bin contents multiplied by the bin width in x, y and in z.

Double_t KolmogorovTest(TH1 *h2, Option_t *option) const
  Statistical test of compatibility in shape between
  THIS histogram and h2, using Kolmogorov test.
     Default: Ignore under- and overflow bins in comparison

     option is a character string to specify options
         "U" include Underflows in test
         "O" include Overflows
         "N" include comparison of normalizations
         "D" Put out a line of "Debug" printout

   The returned function value is the probability of test
       (much less than one means NOT compatible)

  I started from TH2::KolmogorovTest, but changes are probably required
  when invoking KolmogorovProb to take into account the 3rd dimension
  It would be nice if a mathematician could look into this.

  Code adapted by Rene Brun from original HBOOK routine HDIFF

Int_t Merge(TCollection *list)
Add all histograms in the collection to this histogram.
This function computes the min/max for the axes,
compute a new number of bins, if necessary,
add bin contents, errors and statistics.
The function returns the merged number of entries if the merge is
successfull, -1 otherwise.

IMPORTANT remark. The 3 axis x,y and z may have different number
of bins and different limits, BUT the largest bin width must be
a multiple of the smallest bin width.

TH1D* ProjectionZ(const char *name, Int_t ixmin, Int_t ixmax, Int_t iymin, Int_t iymax, Option_t *option) const
*-*-*-*-*Project a 3-D histogram into a 1-D histogram along Z*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*      ====================================================

   The projection is always of the type TH1D.
   The projection is made from the cells along the X axis
   ranging from ixmin to ixmax and iymin to iymax included.
   By default, bins 1 to nx and 1 to ny  are included

   if option "E" is specified, the errors are computed.

   code from Paola Collins & Hans Dijkstra

TH1* Project3D(Option_t *option) const
 Project a 3-d histogram into 1 or 2-d histograms depending on the
 option parameter
 option may contain a combination of the characters x,y,z,e
 option = "x" return the x projection into a TH1D histogram
 option = "y" return the y projection into a TH1D histogram
 option = "z" return the z projection into a TH1D histogram
 option = "xy" return the x versus y projection into a TH2D histogram
 option = "yx" return the y versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
 option = "xz" return the x versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
 option = "zx" return the z versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
 option = "yz" return the y versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
 option = "zy" return the z versus y projection into a TH2D histogram

 If option contains the string "e", errors are computed

 The projection is made for the selected bins only.
 To select a bin range along an axis, use TAxis::SetRange, eg

void PutStats(Stat_t *stats)
 Replace current statistics with the values in array stats

void Reset(Option_t *option)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*            ===========================================

void Sizeof3D() const
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return total size of this 3-D shape with its attributes*-*-*
*-*          ==========================================================

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class TH3.

Inline Functions

              Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t, Axis_t, Stat_t)
              Int_t BufferFill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(const char* namex, const char* namey, const char* namez, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(const char* namex, Axis_t y, const char* namez, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(const char* namex, const char* namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char* namey, const char* namez, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, const char* namey, Axis_t z, Stat_t w)
              Int_t Fill(Axis_t x, Axis_t y, const char* namez, Stat_t w)
             Stat_t Integral(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Option_t*) const
             Stat_t Integral(Int_t binx1, Int_t binx2, Int_t biny1, Int_t biny2, Int_t binz1, Int_t binz2, Option_t* option) const
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                TH3 TH3(const TH3&)

Author: Rene Brun 27/10/95
Last update: root/hist:$Name: $:$Id: TH3.cxx,v 1.30 2002/12/04 10:38:32 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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