library: libGraf
#include "TImage.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TImage : public TNamed, public TAttImage

Inheritance Chart:

TImage(const char* file) TImage() public:
TImage(const TImage& img) TImage(UInt_t, UInt_t) virtual ~TImage() virtual void Append(const TImage*, const char* = "+", const char* = "#00000000") virtual void BeginPaint(Bool_t = kTRUE) virtual void Bevel(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, const char* = "#ffdddddd", const char* = "#ff555555", UShort_t = 1, Bool_t = kFALSE) virtual void Blur(Double_t = 3, Double_t = 3) static TClass* Class() virtual TObject* Clone(const char*) const virtual void CopyArea(TImage*, Int_t, Int_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 3, TImage::EColorChan = kAllChan) static TImage* Create() virtual void Crop(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual void CropPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*) virtual void CropSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*) virtual void DrawBox(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1, Int_t = 0) virtual void DrawCellArray(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, UInt_t*) virtual void DrawDashLine(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1) virtual void DrawFillArea(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16) virtual void DrawFillArea(UInt_t, TPoint*, TImage*) virtual void DrawLine(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1) virtual void DrawPolyLine(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1, TImage::ECoordMode = kCoordModeOrigin) virtual void DrawRectangle(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1) virtual void DrawSegments(UInt_t, Segment_t*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1) virtual void DrawText(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, const char*, Int_t = 12, const char* = "0", const char* = "fixed", TImage::EText3DType = TImage::kPlain, const char* = "0") virtual void EndPaint() virtual void FillPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16) virtual void FillPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*, TImage*) virtual void FillRectangle(const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual void FillSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16) virtual void FillSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*, TImage*) virtual void Flip(Int_t = 180) virtual void FromPad(TVirtualPad*, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual UInt_t* GetArgbArray() virtual TArrayD* GetArray(UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, TImagePalette* = gWebImagePalette) virtual UInt_t GetHeight() const virtual Pixmap_t GetMask() virtual TArrayL* GetPixels(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual Pixmap_t GetPixmap() virtual TImage* GetScaledImage() const virtual UInt_t* GetScanline(UInt_t) virtual UInt_t GetWidth() const virtual void Gradient(UInt_t = 0, const char* = "#FFFFFF #000000", const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual void HSV(UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 360, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsEditable() const virtual Bool_t IsValid() const virtual void Merge(const TImage*, const char* = "alphablend", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) virtual void Mirror(Bool_t = kTRUE) static TImage* Open(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown) static TImage* Open(const char* name, const Double_t* imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette* palette) static TImage* Open(const char* name, const TArrayD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0) static TImage* Open(const char* name, const TVectorD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0) TImage& operator+=(const TImage& i) TImage& operator/=(const TImage& i) TImage& operator=(const TImage& img) virtual void Pad(const char* = "#FFFFFFFF", UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0) virtual void PolyPoint(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", TImage::ECoordMode = kCoordModeOrigin) virtual void PutPixel(Int_t, Int_t, const char* = "#000000") virtual void ReadImage(const char*, TImage::EImageFileTypes = TImage::kUnknown) virtual void Scale(UInt_t, UInt_t) virtual void SetEditable(Bool_t = kTRUE) virtual void SetImage(const Double_t*, UInt_t, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0) virtual void SetImage(const TArrayD&, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0) virtual void SetImage(const TVectorD&, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0) virtual void SetImage(Pixmap_t, Pixmap_t = 0) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void Tile(UInt_t, UInt_t) virtual void UnZoom() virtual void Vectorize(UInt_t = 256, UInt_t = 4, Int_t = 0) virtual void WriteImage(const char*, TImage::EImageFileTypes = TImage::kUnknown) virtual void Zoom(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t)

Data Members

static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXpm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kZCompressedXpm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kGZCompressedXpm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPng static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kJpeg static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXcf static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPpm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPnm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kBmp static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kIco static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kCur static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kGif static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kTiff static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXbm static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kFits static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kTga static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXml static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kUnknown static const TImage::EText3DType kPlain static const TImage::EText3DType kEmbossed static const TImage::EText3DType kSunken static const TImage::EText3DType kShadeAbove static const TImage::EText3DType kShadeBelow static const TImage::EText3DType kEmbossedThick static const TImage::EText3DType kSunkenThick static const TImage::EText3DType kOutlineAbove static const TImage::EText3DType kOutlineBelow static const TImage::EText3DType kOutlineFull static const TImage::EText3DType k3DTypes static const TImage::ECharType kUTF8 static const TImage::ECharType kChar static const TImage::ECharType kUnicode static const TImage::ETileType kStretch static const TImage::ETileType kTile static const TImage::ETileType kStretchY static const TImage::ETileType kStretchX static const TImage::ECoordMode kCoordModeOrigin static const TImage::ECoordMode kCoordModePrevious static const TImage::EColorChan kRedChan static const TImage::EColorChan kGreenChan static const TImage::EColorChan kBlueChan static const TImage::EColorChan kAlphaChan static const TImage::EColorChan kAllChan

Class Description

TImage* Create()
 Create an image. Use ReadImage() or SetImage() to initialize the image.

TImage* Open(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type)
 Open a specified image file.

TImage* Open(const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette)
 Open an image with the specified data in a Double_t array.

TImage* Open(const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette)
 Open an image with the specified data in a TArrayD.

TImage* Open(const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette)
 Open an image with the specified data in a TVectorD.

Inline Functions

               void ~TImage()
             TImage TImage(const char* file)
             TImage TImage()
             TImage TImage(const TImage& img)
            TImage& operator=(const TImage& img)
             TImage TImage(UInt_t, UInt_t)
           TObject* Clone(const char*) const
               void ReadImage(const char*, TImage::EImageFileTypes = TImage::kUnknown)
               void WriteImage(const char*, TImage::EImageFileTypes = TImage::kUnknown)
               void SetImage(const Double_t*, UInt_t, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0)
               void SetImage(const TArrayD&, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0)
               void SetImage(const TVectorD&, UInt_t, TImagePalette* = 0)
               void SetImage(Pixmap_t, Pixmap_t = 0)
               void FromPad(TVirtualPad*, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void UnZoom()
               void Zoom(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t)
               void Flip(Int_t = 180)
               void Mirror(Bool_t = kTRUE)
               void Scale(UInt_t, UInt_t)
               void Tile(UInt_t, UInt_t)
               void Crop(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void Pad(const char* = "#FFFFFFFF", UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void Blur(Double_t = 3, Double_t = 3)
               void Vectorize(UInt_t = 256, UInt_t = 4, Int_t = 0)
               void HSV(UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 360, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void Gradient(UInt_t = 0, const char* = "#FFFFFF #000000", const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void Merge(const TImage*, const char* = "alphablend", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0)
               void Append(const TImage*, const char* = "+", const char* = "#00000000")
               void Bevel(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, const char* = "#ffdddddd", const char* = "#ff555555", UShort_t = 1, Bool_t = kFALSE)
               void DrawText(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, const char*, Int_t = 12, const char* = "0", const char* = "fixed", TImage::EText3DType = TImage::kPlain, const char* = "0")
               void BeginPaint(Bool_t = kTRUE)
               void EndPaint()
               void DrawLine(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1)
               void DrawDashLine(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1)
               void DrawBox(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1, Int_t = 0)
               void DrawRectangle(UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1)
               void FillRectangle(const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
               void DrawPolyLine(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1, TImage::ECoordMode = kCoordModeOrigin)
               void PutPixel(Int_t, Int_t, const char* = "#000000")
               void PolyPoint(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", TImage::ECoordMode = kCoordModeOrigin)
               void DrawSegments(UInt_t, Segment_t*, const char* = "#000000", UInt_t = 1)
               void FillPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16)
               void FillPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*, TImage*)
               void CropPolygon(UInt_t, TPoint*)
               void DrawFillArea(UInt_t, TPoint*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16)
               void DrawFillArea(UInt_t, TPoint*, TImage*)
               void FillSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*, const char* = "#000000", const char* = "0", UInt_t = 16, UInt_t = 16)
               void FillSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*, TImage*)
               void CropSpans(UInt_t, TPoint*, UInt_t*)
               void CopyArea(TImage*, Int_t, Int_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 3, TImage::EColorChan = kAllChan)
               void DrawCellArray(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, UInt_t*)
               void SetEditable(Bool_t = kTRUE)
             Bool_t IsEditable() const
             UInt_t GetWidth() const
             UInt_t GetHeight() const
             Bool_t IsValid() const
            TImage* GetScaledImage() const
           TArrayL* GetPixels(Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0)
           TArrayD* GetArray(UInt_t = 0, UInt_t = 0, TImagePalette* = gWebImagePalette)
           Pixmap_t GetPixmap()
           Pixmap_t GetMask()
            UInt_t* GetArgbArray()
            UInt_t* GetScanline(UInt_t)
            TImage& operator+=(const TImage& i)
            TImage& operator/=(const TImage& i)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Author: Fons Rademakers 15/10/2001
Last update: root/graf:$Name: $:$Id: TImage.cxx,v 1.3 2005/04/29 16:16:35 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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