library: libSQL
#include "TSQLStructure.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TSQLStructure : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

void AddCmd(TObjArray* cmds, const char* name, const char* value, const char* topname = "0", const char* ns = "0") Bool_t CheckNormalClassPair(TSQLStructure* vers, TSQLStructure* info) Int_t FindMaxRef() void PerformConversion(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* blobs, const char* topname, Bool_t useblob = kFALSE) Bool_t RecognizeTString(const char*& value) Bool_t StoreClassInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg) Bool_t StoreElementInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* columns) Bool_t StoreObject(TSqlRegistry* reg, const char* objid, TClass* cl, Bool_t registerobj = kTRUE) Bool_t StoreObjectInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg) Bool_t StoreTObject(TSqlRegistry* reg) Bool_t StoreTString(TSqlRegistry* reg) Bool_t TryConvertObjectArray(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* blobs) public:
TSQLStructure() virtual ~TSQLStructure() void Add(TSQLStructure* child) void AddObjectData(TSQLObjectData* objdata) void AddValue(const char* value, const char* tname = "0") void AddVersion(const TClass* cl, Int_t version = -100) void ChangeValueOnly(const char* value) void ChildArrayIndex(Int_t index, Int_t cnt = 1) static TClass* Class() Bool_t ConvertToTables(TSQLFile* f, Int_t keyid, TObjArray* cmds) static TString DefineElementColumnName(TStreamerElement* elem, TSQLFile* f, Int_t indx = 0) static Int_t DefineElementColumnType(TStreamerElement* elem, TSQLFile* f) Int_t DefineObjectId() Int_t GetArrayIndex() const TSQLStructure* GetChild(Int_t n) const TStreamerElement* GetElement() const Int_t GetElementNumber() const TClass* GetObjectClass() const TSQLObjectData* GetObjectData(Bool_t search = false) TSQLStructure* GetParent() const Int_t GetRepeatCounter() const static const char* GetSimpleTypeName(Int_t typ) const TStreamerInfo* GetStreamerInfo() const Int_t GetType() const const char* GetValue() const const char* GetValueType() const TClass* GetVersionClass() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsClonesArray() static Bool_t IsNumericType(Int_t typ) Int_t LocateElementColumn(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data) static TString MakeArrayIndex(TStreamerElement* elem, Int_t n) Int_t NumChilds() const virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "") const void PrintLevel(Int_t level) const void SetArray(Int_t sz = -1) void SetArrayIndex(Int_t indx, Int_t cnt = 1) void SetClassStreamer(const TClass* cl) void SetObjectData(TSQLObjectData* objdata) void SetObjectPointer(Int_t ptrid) void SetObjectRef(Int_t refid, const TClass* cl) void SetParent(TSQLStructure* p) void SetStreamerElement(const TStreamerElement* elem, Int_t number) void SetStreamerInfo(const TStreamerInfo* info) void SetType(Int_t typ) void SetValue(const char* value, const char* tname = "0") void SetVersion(const TClass* cl, Int_t version = -100) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) static Bool_t UnpackTObject(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data, Int_t objid, Int_t clversion) static Bool_t UnpackTString(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data, Int_t objid, Int_t clversion)

Data Members

TSQLStructure* fParent ! Int_t fType ! const void* fPointer ! TString fValue ! Int_t fArrayIndex ! Int_t fRepeatCnt ! TObjArray fChilds ! public:
static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlObject static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlPointer static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlVersion static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlStreamerInfo static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlClassStreamer static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlElement static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlValue static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlArray static const TSQLStructure::ESQLTypes kSqlObjectData static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColUnknown static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColSimple static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColSimpleArray static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColParent static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColObject static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColObjectArray static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColNormObject static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColNormObjectArray static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColObjectPtr static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColTString static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColClonesArray static const TSQLStructure::ESQLColumns kColRawData

Class Description

  This is hierarhical structure, which is created when data is written
  by TBufferSQL2. It contains data all structurual information such:
  version of written class, data memeber types of that class, value for
  each data memeber and so on.
  Such structure in some sense similar to XML node and subnodes structure
  Once it created, it converted to SQL statements, which are submitted
  to database server.


TSQLStructure() : TObject(), fParent(0), fType(0), fPointer(0), fValue(), fArrayIndex(-1), fRepeatCnt(0), fChilds()
 default constructor


Int_t NumChilds() const
 number of child structures

TSQLStructure* GetChild(Int_t n) const
 return child structure of index n

void SetObjectRef(Int_t refid, const TClass* cl)
 set structure type as kSqlObject

void SetObjectPointer(Int_t ptrid)
 set structure type as kSqlPointer

void SetVersion(const TClass* cl, Int_t version)
 set structure type as kSqlVersion

void SetClassStreamer(const TClass* cl)
 set structure type as kSqlClassStreamer

void SetStreamerInfo(const TStreamerInfo* info)
 set structure type as kSqlStreamerInfo

void SetStreamerElement(const TStreamerElement* elem, Int_t number)
 set structure type as kSqlElement

void SetValue(const char* value, const char* tname)
 set structure type as kSqlValue

void ChangeValueOnly(const char* value)
 change value of this structure
 used as "workaround" to keep object id in kSqlElement node

void SetArrayIndex(Int_t indx, Int_t cnt)
 set array index for this structure

void ChildArrayIndex(Int_t index, Int_t cnt)
 set array index for last child element
   if (cnt<=1) return;

void SetArray(Int_t sz)
 Set structure as array element

TClass* GetObjectClass() const
 return object class if type kSqlObject

TClass* GetVersionClass() const
 return class for version tag if type is kSqlVersion

TStreamerInfo* GetStreamerInfo() const
 return TStreamerInfo* if type is kSqlStreamerInfo

TStreamerElement* GetElement() const
 return TStremerElement* if type is kSqlElement

Int_t GetElementNumber() const
 returns number of TStremerElement in TStreamerInfo

const char* GetValueType() const
 return value type if structure is kSqlValue

const char* GetValue() const
 returns value
 for different structure kinds has different sense
 For kSqlVersion it version, for kSqlReference it is object id and so on

void Add(TSQLStructure* child)
 Add child strucure

void AddVersion(const TClass* cl, Int_t version)
 add child as version

void AddValue(const char* value, const char* tname)
 Add child structure as value

Int_t DefineObjectId()
 defines current object id, to which this structure belong
 make life complicated, because some objects do not get id
 automatically in TBufferSQL, but afterwards

Bool_t IsClonesArray()
 defines if this structure below node, which correspondes to
 clones array. Used to force convertion of all data into raw format

void SetObjectData(TSQLObjectData* objdata)
 set element to be used for object data

void AddObjectData(TSQLObjectData* objdata)
 add element with pointer to object data

TSQLObjectData* GetObjectData(Bool_t search)
 searchs for objects data

void Print(Option_t*) const
 print content of complete structure

void PrintLevel(Int_t level) const
 print content of current structure

void AddCmd(TObjArray* cmds, const char* name, const char* value, const char* topname, const char* ns)
 Add SQL command for raw table

Bool_t IsNumericType(Int_t typ)
 defines if value is numeric and not requires quotes when writing

const char* GetSimpleTypeName(Int_t typ)
 provides name for basic types
 used as suffix for column name or field suffix in raw table

Int_t FindMaxRef()
 define maximum reference id, used for objects

Bool_t ConvertToTables(TSQLFile* file, Int_t keyid, TObjArray* cmds)
 Convert structure to sql statements
 This function is called immidiately after TBufferSQL2 produces
 this structure with object data
 Should be only called for toplevel structure

void PerformConversion(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* blobs, const char* topname, Bool_t useblob)
 perform conversion of structure to sql statements
 first tries convert it to normal form
 if fails, produces data for raw table

Bool_t StoreObject(TSqlRegistry* reg, const char* objid, TClass* cl, Bool_t registerobj)
 convert object data to sql statements
 if normal (columnwise) representation is not possible,
 complete object will be converted to raw format

Bool_t StoreObjectInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg)
 this function verify object child elements and
 calls transformation to class table

Bool_t StoreClassInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg)
 produces data for complete class table
 where not possible, raw data for some elements are created

TString MakeArrayIndex(TStreamerElement* elem, Int_t index)
 produce string with complete index like [1][2][0]

Bool_t StoreElementInNormalForm(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* columns)
 tries to store element data in column

Bool_t TryConvertObjectArray(TSqlRegistry* reg, TObjArray* blobs)
 tries to write array of objects as lis of object refereneces
 in _streamer_ table, while objects itself will be stored in
 other tables. If not successfull, object data will be stored
 in _streamer_ table

Bool_t CheckNormalClassPair(TSQLStructure* s_ver, TSQLStructure* s_info)
 check if pair of two element corresponds
 to start of object, stored in normal form

Bool_t StoreTObject(TSqlRegistry* reg)
 store data of TObject in special table
 workaround custom TObject streamer

Bool_t StoreTString(TSqlRegistry* reg)
 store data of TString in special table
 it is required when TString stored as pointer and reference to it possible

Bool_t RecognizeTString(const char* &value)
 prove that structure containes TString data

Int_t DefineElementColumnType(TStreamerElement* elem, TSQLFile* f)
 defines which kind of column can be assigned for this element
 Possible cases
    kColSimple       -  basic data type
    kColSimpleArray  -  fixed arary of basic types
    kColParent       -  parent class
    kColObject       -  object as data memeber
    kColObjectPtr    -  object as pointer
    kColTString      -  TString
    kColRawData      -  anything else as raw data

TString DefineElementColumnName(TStreamerElement* elem, TSQLFile* f, Int_t indx)
 returns name of the column in class table for that element

Int_t LocateElementColumn(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data)
 find column in TSQLObjectData object, which correspond to current element

Bool_t UnpackTObject(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data, Int_t objid, Int_t clversion)
 Unpack TObject data in form, understodable by custom TObject streamer

Bool_t UnpackTString(TSQLFile* f, TSQLObjectData* data, Int_t objid, Int_t clversion)
 Unpack TString data in form, understodable by custom TString streamer

Inline Functions

        TSQLStructure* GetParent() const
                  void SetParent(TSQLStructure* p)
                  void SetType(Int_t typ)
                 Int_t GetType() const
                 Int_t GetArrayIndex() const
                 Int_t GetRepeatCounter() const
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Author: Sergey Linev 20/11/2005
Last update: root/sql:$Name: $:$Id: TSQLStructure.cxx,v 1.7 2005/12/07 14:59:57 rdm Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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