library: libRooFit
#include "RooConvCoefVar.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RooConvCoefVar : public RooAbsReal

Inheritance Chart:

RooConvCoefVar() RooConvCoefVar(const char* name, const char* title, const RooAbsAnaConvPdf& input, Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet* varList = 0) RooConvCoefVar(const RooConvCoefVar& other, const char* name = "0") virtual ~RooConvCoefVar() virtual Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName = "0") const static TClass* Class() virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const virtual Double_t evaluate() const virtual Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, const char* rangeName = "0") const virtual Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet* nset = 0) const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

RooSetProxy _varSet RooRealProxy _convPdf ConvolutedPDfs implementing our coefficient Int_t _coefIdx Index code of the coefficient

Class Description

RooConvCoefVar(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsAnaConvPdf& input, Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet* varList) : RooAbsReal(name,title), _varSet("varSet","Set of coefficient variables",this), _convPdf("convPdf","Convoluted PDF",this,(RooAbsReal&)input), _coefIdx(coefIdx)

RooConvCoefVar(const RooConvCoefVar& other, const char* name) : RooAbsReal(other,name), _varSet("varSet",this,other._varSet), _convPdf("convPdf",this,other._convPdf), _coefIdx(other._coefIdx)
 Copy constructor

Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet*) const

Double_t evaluate() const

Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, const char* rangeName) const

Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName) const
   cout << "RooConvCoefVar::analyticalIntegral(" << _coefIdx << "," << code << ")" << endl ;

Inline Functions

                  void ~RooConvCoefVar()
        RooConvCoefVar RooConvCoefVar(const RooConvCoefVar& other, const char* name = "0")
              TObject* clone(const char* newname) const
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Last update: Thu Dec 8 21:17:52 2005
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *

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