library: libRooFit
#include "RooAbsRealLValue.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RooAbsRealLValue : public RooAbsReal, public RooAbsLValue

Inheritance Chart:
    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

virtual void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source) Bool_t fitRangeOKForPlotting() const public:
virtual ~RooAbsRealLValue() static TClass* Class() TH1* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooCmdArg& arg1 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg2 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg3 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg4 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg5 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg6 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg7 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg8 = RooCmdArg::none) const TH1* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooLinkedList& cmdList) const TH1F* createHistogram(const char* name, const char* yAxisLabel) const TH1F* createHistogram(const char* name, const char* yAxisLabel, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi, Int_t nBins) const TH1F* createHistogram(const char* name, const char* yAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning& bins) const TH2F* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooAbsRealLValue& yvar, const char* zAxisLabel = "0", Double_t* xlo = 0, Double_t* xhi = 0, Int_t* nBins = 0) const TH2F* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooAbsRealLValue& yvar, const char* zAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins) const TH3F* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooAbsRealLValue& yvar, const RooAbsRealLValue& zvar, const char* tAxisLabel, Double_t* xlo = 0, Double_t* xhi = 0, Int_t* nBins = 0) const TH3F* createHistogram(const char* name, const RooAbsRealLValue& yvar, const RooAbsRealLValue& zvar, const char* tAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins) const static TH1* createHistogram(const char* name, RooArgList& vars, const char* tAxisLabel, Double_t* xlo, Double_t* xhi, Int_t* nBins) static TH1* createHistogram(const char* name, RooArgList& vars, const char* tAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins) RooPlot* frame(const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg3 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg4 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg5 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg6 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg7 = RooCmdArg::none, const RooCmdArg& arg8 = RooCmdArg::none) const RooPlot* frame(const RooLinkedList& cmdList) const RooPlot* frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi, Int_t nbins) const RooPlot* frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const RooPlot* frame(Int_t nbins) const RooPlot* frame() const virtual Int_t getBin() const virtual const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name = "0", Bool_t verbose = kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly = kFALSE) const virtual RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name = "0", Bool_t verbose = kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly = kFALSE) virtual Int_t getBins(const char* name = "0") const virtual Double_t getBinWidth(Int_t i) const Int_t getFitBins() const Double_t getFitMax() const Double_t getFitMin() const virtual Double_t getMax(const char* name = "0") const virtual Double_t getMin(const char* name = "0") const virtual Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name) const Bool_t hasFitMax() const Bool_t hasFitMin() const Bool_t hasMax(const char* name = "0") const Bool_t hasMin(const char* name = "0") const virtual Bool_t hasRange(const char* name) const virtual Bool_t inRange(const char* name) const Bool_t inRange(Double_t value, Double_t* clippedValue = 0) const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t isJacobianOK(const RooArgSet& depList) const virtual Bool_t isLValue() const virtual Bool_t isValidReal(Double_t value, Bool_t printError = kFALSE) const virtual Double_t jacobian() const virtual Int_t numBins() const Int_t numFitBins() const virtual RooAbsArg& operator=(const RooAbsReal& other) virtual RooAbsArg& operator=(Double_t newValue) virtual RooAbsArg& operator=(Int_t ival) virtual void printToStream(ostream& stream, RooPrintable::PrintOption opt = Standard, TString indent = ) const virtual void randomize() virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose = kFALSE) virtual void setBin(Int_t ibin) void setConstant(Bool_t value = kTRUE) virtual void setVal(Double_t value) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const

Data Members

Class Description

Bool_t inRange(Double_t value, Double_t* clippedValPtr)
 Return kTRUE if the input value is within our fit range. Otherwise, return
 kFALSE and write a clipped value into clippedValPtr if it is non-zero.
Bool_t isValidReal(Double_t value, Bool_t verbose)
 Check if given value is valid
RooAbsArg& operator=(Double_t newValue)
 Assignment operator from a Double_t
RooAbsArg& operator=(const RooAbsReal& arg)
RooPlot* frame(const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7, const RooCmdArg& arg8)
 Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this
 object, but no plot contents. Use x.frame() as the first argument to a
 y.plotOn(...) method, for example. The caller is responsible for deleting
 the returned object.

 This function takes the following named arguments

 Range(double lo, double hi)          -- Make plot frame for the specified range
 Range(const char* name)              -- Make plot frame for range with the specified name
 Bins(Int_t nbins)                    -- Set default binning for datasets to specified number of bins
 AutoRange(const RooAbsData& data,    -- Specifies range so that all points in given data set fit
                    double margin)       inside the range with given margin.
 AutoSymRange(const RooAbsData& data, -- Specifies range so that all points in given data set fit
                    double margin)       inside the range and center of range coincides with mean
                                         of distribution in given dataset.
 Name(const char* name)               -- Give specified name to RooPlot object
 Title(const char* title)             -- Give specified title to RooPlot object

RooPlot* frame(const RooLinkedList& cmdList)
 Define configuration for this method
RooPlot * frame(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi, Int_t nbins)
 Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this
 object, but no plot contents. Use x.frame() as the first argument to a
 y.plotOn(...) method, for example. The caller is responsible for deleting
 the returned object.
RooPlot * frame(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi)
 Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this
 object, but no plot contents. Use x.frame() as the first argument to a
 y.plotOn(...) method, for example. The caller is responsible for deleting
 the returned object.
RooPlot * frame(Int_t nbins)
 Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this
 object, but no plot contents. Use x.frame() as the first argument to a
 y.plotOn(...) method, for example. The caller is responsible for deleting
 the returned object.

 The current fit range may not be open ended or empty.
RooPlot * frame()
 Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this
 object, but no plot contents. Use x.frame() as the first argument to a
 y.plotOn(...) method, for example. The caller is responsible for deleting
 the returned object.

 The current fit range may not be open ended or empty.
void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source)
 Copy cache of another RooAbsArg to our cache
void printToStream(ostream& os, PrintOption opt, TString indent)
 Print info about this object to the specified stream. In addition to the info
 from RooAbsReal::printToStream() we add:

   Verbose : fit range and error
void randomize()
 Set a new value sampled from a uniform distribution over the fit range.
 Prints a warning and does nothing if the fit range is not finite.
void setBin(Int_t ibin)
 Check range of plot bin index
Bool_t fitRangeOKForPlotting()
 Check if fit range is usable as plot range, i.e. it is neither
 open ended, nor empty
Bool_t inRange(const char* name)
 Check if current value is inside range with given name
TH1* createHistogram(const char *name, const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7, const RooCmdArg& arg8)
 Create an empty ROOT histogram TH1,TH2 or TH3 suitabe to store information represent by the RooAbsRealLValue

 This function accepts the following arguments

 name -- Name of the ROOT histogram

 Binning(const char* name)                    -- Apply binning with given name to x axis of histogram
 Binning(RooAbsBinning& binning)              -- Apply specified binning to x axis of histogram
 Binning(double lo, double hi, int nbins)     -- Apply specified binning to x axis of histogram
 ConditionalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) -- Do not normalized PDF over following observables when projecting PDF into histogram

 YVar(const RooAbsRealLValue& var,...)    -- Observable to be mapped on y axis of ROOT histogram
 ZVar(const RooAbsRealLValue& var,...)    -- Observable to be mapped on z axis of ROOT histogram

 The YVar() and ZVar() arguments can be supplied with optional Binning() arguments to control the binning of the Y and Z axes, e.g.
 createHistogram("histo",x,Binning(-1,1,20), YVar(y,Binning(-1,1,30)), ZVar(z,Binning("zbinning")))

 The caller takes ownership of the returned histogram
TH1* createHistogram(const char *name, const RooLinkedList& cmdList)
 Create empty 1,2 or 3D histogram
 Arguments recognized

 YVar() -- RooRealVar defining Y dimension with optional range/binning
 ZVar() -- RooRealVar defining Z dimension with optional range/binning
 AxisLabel() -- Vertical axis label
 Binning() -- Range/Binning specification of X axis
TH1F * createHistogram(const char *name, const char *yAxisLabel)
 Create an empty 1D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable.
 This method uses the default plot range which can be changed using the
 setPlotMin(),setPlotMax() methods, and the default binning which can be
 changed with setPlotBins(). The caller takes ownership of the returned
 object and is responsible for deleting it.
TH1F * createHistogram(const char *name, const char *yAxisLabel, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi, Int_t nBins)
 Create an empty 1D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable.
 This method uses the default plot range which can be changed using the
 setPlotMin(),setPlotMax() methods, and the default binning which can be
 changed with setPlotBins(). The caller takes ownership of the returned
 object and is responsible for deleting it.
TH1F * createHistogram(const char *name, const char *yAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning& bins)
 Create an empty 1D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable.
TH2F * createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue &yvar, const char *zAxisLabel, Double_t* xlo, Double_t* xhi, Int_t* nBins)
 Create an empty 2D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable (x)
 and the specified y variable. This method uses the default plot ranges for x and y which
 can be changed using the setPlotMin(),setPlotMax() methods, and the default binning which
 can be changed with setPlotBins(). The caller takes ownership of the returned object
 and is responsible for deleting it.
TH2F * createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue &yvar, const char *zAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins)
 Create an empty 2D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable (x)
 and the specified y variable.
TH3F * createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue &yvar, const RooAbsRealLValue &zvar, const char *tAxisLabel, Double_t* xlo, Double_t* xhi, Int_t* nBins)
 Create an empty 3D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable (x)
 and the specified y,z variables. This method uses the default plot ranges for x,y,z which
 can be changed using the setPlotMin(),setPlotMax() methods, and the default binning which
 can be changed with setPlotBins(). The caller takes ownership of the returned object
 and is responsible for deleting it.
TH3F * createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue &yvar, const RooAbsRealLValue &zvar, const char* tAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins)
 Create an empty 3D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels for this variable (x)
 and the specified y,z variables.
TH1 * createHistogram(const char *name, RooArgList &vars, const char *tAxisLabel, Double_t* xlo, Double_t* xhi, Int_t* nBins)
TH1 * createHistogram(const char *name, RooArgList &vars, const char *tAxisLabel, const RooAbsBinning** bins)
 Create a 1,2, or 3D-histogram with appropriate scale and labels.
 Binning and ranges are taken from the variables themselves and can be changed by
 calling their setPlotMin/Max() and setPlotBins() methods. A histogram can be filled
 using RooAbsReal::fillHistogram() or RooTreeData::fillHistogram().
 The caller takes ownership of the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
Double_t getFitMin()
Double_t getFitMax()
Bool_t hasFitMin()
Bool_t hasFitMax()
Int_t getFitBins()
Int_t numFitBins()
Bool_t isJacobianOK(const RooArgSet&)
void setVal(Double_t value)
 Parameter value and error accessors
RooAbsArg& operator=(const RooAbsReal& other)
Int_t getBin()
Int_t numBins()
Double_t getBinWidth(Int_t i)
const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE)
 Get fit range limits
RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE)
Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name)
Double_t getMin(const char* name=0)
Double_t getMax(const char* name=0)
Int_t getBins(const char* name=0)
Bool_t hasMin(const char* name=0)
Bool_t hasMax(const char* name=0)
Bool_t hasRange(const char* name)
Double_t jacobian()
Bool_t isLValue()
void setConstant(Bool_t value= kTRUE)
 Constant and Projected flags
Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE)
 I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact)

Last update: Tue Jul 11 11:45:09 2006
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *

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