library: libTMVA
#include "MethodPDERS.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TMVA::MethodPDERS : public TMVA::MethodBase

Inheritance Chart:
Float_t GetError(Float_t countS, Float_t countB, Float_t sumW2S, Float_t sumW2B) const void InitPDERS() Float_t RScalc(TMVA::Event* e) void SetVolumeElement() protected:
TMVA::BinarySearchTree* GetBinaryTreeBkg() const TMVA::BinarySearchTree* GetBinaryTreeSig() const Double_t KernelEstimate(TMVA::Event&, vector<TMVA::Event*,allocator<TMVA::Event*> >&, TMVA::Volume&) public:
MethodPDERS(TString jobName, vector<TString>* theVariables, TTree* theTree = 0, TString theOption = Adaptive:100:200:50:0.99, TDirectory* theTargetDir = 0) MethodPDERS(vector<TString>* theVariables, TString theWeightFile, TDirectory* theTargetDir = NULL) MethodPDERS(const TMVA::MethodPDERS&) virtual ~MethodPDERS() static TClass* Class() virtual Double_t GetMvaValue(TMVA::Event* e) Double_t GetVolumeContentForRoot(Double_t) static Double_t IGetVolumeContentForRoot(Double_t) virtual TClass* IsA() const TMVA::MethodPDERS& operator=(const TMVA::MethodPDERS&) virtual void ReadWeightsFromFile() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) static TMVA::MethodPDERS* ThisPDERS() virtual void Train() virtual void WriteHistosToFile() virtual void WriteWeightsToFile()

Data Members

TMVA::MethodPDERS::VolumeRangeMode fVRangeMode TMVA::BinarySearchTree* fBinaryTreeS TMVA::BinarySearchTree* fBinaryTreeB vector<Float_t>* fDelta vector<Float_t>* fShift Float_t fScaleS Float_t fScaleB Float_t fDeltaFrac Float_t fNEventsMin Float_t fNEventsMax Float_t fMaxVIterations Float_t fInitialScale TFile* fFin Bool_t fInitializedVolumeEle static TMVA::MethodPDERS* fgThisPDERS protected:
TMVA::Volume* fHelpVolume Int_t fFcnCall public:
static const TMVA::MethodPDERS::VolumeRangeMode kMinMax static const TMVA::MethodPDERS::VolumeRangeMode kRMS static const TMVA::MethodPDERS::VolumeRangeMode kAdaptive

Class Description

This is a generalization of the above Likelihood methods to Nvar dimensions, where Nvar is the number of input variables used in the MVA. If the multi-dimensional probability density functions (PDFs) for signal and background were known, this method contains the entire physical information, and is therefore optimal. Usually, kernel estimation methods are used to approximate the PDFs using the events from the training sample.

A very simple probability density estimator (PDE) has been suggested in hep-ex/0211019. The PDE for a given test event is obtained from counting the (normalized) number of signal and background (training) events that occur in the "vicinity" of the test event. The volume that describes "vicinity" is user-defined. A search method based on binary-trees is used to effectively reduce the selection time for the range search. Three different volume definitions are optional:

The adaptive range search is used by default.
MethodPDERS( TString jobName, vector<TString>* theVariables, TTree* theTree, TString theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir )
 standard constructor for the PDERS method
 format and syntax of option string: "VolumeRangeMode:options"
    VolumeRangeMode - all methods defined in private enum "VolumeRangeMode"
    options         - deltaFrac in case of VolumeRangeMode=MinMax/RMS
                    - nEventsMin/Max, maxVIterations, scale for VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive

 MethodPDERS also has an implementation of a simple kernel estimater
 (adaptive Gaussian); at present this cannot yet be switched on via options;
 you must change it in the source file via the flag:
MethodPDERS( vector<TString> *theVariables, TString theWeightFile, TDirectory* theTargetDir )
 construct MethodPDERS through from file
void InitPDERS( void )
 default initialisation routine called by all constructors
~MethodPDERS( void )
void Train( void )
 this is a dummy training: the preparation work to do is the construction
 of the binary tree as a pointer chain. It is easier to directly save the
 trainingTree in the weight file, and to rebuild the binary tree in the
 test phase from scratch
Double_t GetMvaValue( TMVA::Event *e )
 init the size of a volume element using a defined fraction of the
 volume containing the entire events
void SetVolumeElement( void )
 defines volume dimensions
Double_t IGetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale )
 Interface to RootFinder
Double_t GetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale )
 count number of events in rescaled volume
Float_t RScalc( TMVA::Event *e )
 computes event weight by counting number of signal and background
 events (of reference sample) that are found within given volume
 defined by the event
Double_t KernelEstimate( TMVA::Event& event, vector<TMVA::Event*>& events, TMVA::Volume& v )
 returns Gaussian kernel estimate for event in given volume
Float_t GetError( Float_t countS, Float_t countB, Float_t sumW2S, Float_t sumW2B )
 statistical error estimate for RS estimator
void WriteWeightsToFile( void )
 write training sample (TTree) to file
void ReadWeightsFromFile( void )
 read training sample from file
void WriteHistosToFile( void )
 write special monitoring histograms to file - not implemented for PDERS
MethodPDERS( TString jobName, vector<TString>* theVariables, TTree* theTree = 0, TString theOption = "Adaptive:100:200:50:0.99", TDirectory* theTargetDir = 0 )
MethodPDERS* ThisPDERS( void )
 static pointer to this object
BinarySearchTree* GetBinaryTreeSig( void )
BinarySearchTree* GetBinaryTreeBkg( void )

Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss
Last update: root/tmva $Id: MethodPDERS.cxx,v 1.3 2006/05/23 19:35:06 brun Exp $
Copyright (c) 2005: *

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