library: libRint
#include "TTabCom.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TTabCom

Inheritance Chart:
TTabCom(const TTabCom&) Int_t Complete(const TRegexp& re, const TSeqCollection* pListOfCandidates, const char* appendage) void CopyMatch(char* dest, const char* localName, const char* appendage = "0", const char* fullName = "0") const TTabCom::EContext_t DetermineContext() const TString DeterminePath(const TString& fileName, const char* defaultPath) const TString ExtendPath(const char* originalPath, TString newBase) const void InitPatterns() TClass* MakeClassFromClassName(const char* className) const TClass* MakeClassFromVarName(const char* varName, TTabCom::EContext_t& context, int iter = 0) int ParseReverse(const char* var_str, int start) void SetPattern(TTabCom::EContext_t handle, const char* regexp) TClass* TryMakeClassFromClassName(const char* className) const public:
TTabCom() virtual ~TTabCom() static Char_t AllAgreeOnChar(int i, const TSeqCollection* pList, Int_t& nGoodStrings) static void AppendListOfFilesInDirectory(const char* dirName, TSeqCollection* pList) static TClass* Class() void ClearAll() void ClearClasses() void ClearCppDirectives() void ClearEnvVars() void ClearFiles() void ClearGlobalFunctions() void ClearGlobals() void ClearPragmas() void ClearSysIncFiles() void ClearUsers() static TString DetermineClass(const char* varName) static Bool_t ExcludedByFignore(TString s) const TSeqCollection* GetListOfClasses() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfCppDirectives() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfEnvVars() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfFilesInPath(const char* path) const TSeqCollection* GetListOfGlobalFunctions() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfGlobals() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfPragmas() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfSysIncFiles() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfUsers() static TString GetSysIncludePath() Int_t Hook(char* buf, int* pLoc) virtual TClass* IsA() const static Bool_t IsDirectory(const char* fileName) static TSeqCollection* NewListOfFilesInPath(const char* path) static void NoMsg(Int_t errorLevel) static Bool_t PathIsSpecifiedInFileName(const TString& fileName) void RehashAll() void RehashClasses() void RehashCppDirectives() void RehashEnvVars() void RehashFiles() void RehashGlobalFunctions() void RehashGlobals() void RehashPragmas() void RehashSysIncFiles() void RehashUsers() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TSeqCollection* fpClasses TSeqCollection* fpNamespaces Contains the names of namespaces registered in CINT. TSeqCollection* fpDirectives TSeqCollection* fpEnvVars TSeqCollection* fpFiles TSeqCollection* fpGlobals TSeqCollection* fpGlobalFuncs TSeqCollection* fpPragmas TSeqCollection* fpSysIncFiles TSeqCollection* fpUsers char* fBuf initialized by Hook() int* fpLoc initialized by Hook() unsigned short fPat[25][1024] array of patterns const char* fRegExp[25] corresponding regular expression plain text Bool_t fVarIsPointer frodo: pointer or not flag Int_t fLastIter frodo: iteration counter for recursive MakeClassFromVarName public:
static const enum TTabCom:: kDebug static const TTabCom::EContext_t kUNKNOWN_CONTEXT static const TTabCom::EContext_t kSYS_UserName static const TTabCom::EContext_t kSYS_EnvVar static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_stdout static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_stderr static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_stdin static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_Edit static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_Load static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_Exec static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_EXec static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_pragma static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_includeSYS static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_includePWD static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCINT_cpp static const TTabCom::EContext_t kROOT_Load static const TTabCom::EContext_t kSYS_FileName static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_NewProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_ConstructorProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_ScopeProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_DirectProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_IndirectProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_ScopeMember static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_DirectMember static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_IndirectMember static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_Global static const TTabCom::EContext_t kCXX_GlobalProto static const TTabCom::EContext_t kNUM_PAT

Class Description

 This class performs basic tab completion.                              
 You should be able to hit [TAB] to complete a partially typed:         
   environment variable                                                 
   preprocessor directive                                               
   filename (with a context-sensitive path)                             
   public member function or data member (including base classes)       
   global variable, function, or class name                             
 Also, something like                                                   
   someClass var([TAB]                                                  
   new someClass([TAB]                                                  
 will print a list of prototypes for the indicated                      
 method or constructor.                                                 
 Current limitations and bugs:                                          
  1. you can only use one member access operator at a time.             
     eg, this will work: gROOT->GetListOfG[TAB]                         
     but this will not:  gROOT->GetListOfGlobals()->Conta[TAB]          
  2. nothing is guaranteed to work on windows or VMS                    
     (for one thing, /bin/env and /etc/passwd are hardcoded)            
  3. CINT shortcut #2 is deliberately not supported.                    
     (using "operator.()" instead of "operator->()")                    
  4. most identifiers (including C++ identifiers, usernames,            
     environment variables, etc)                                        
     are restriceted to this character set: [_a-zA-Z0-9]                
     therefore, you won't be able to complete things like               
          operator new                                                  
  5. ~whatever[TAB] always tries to complete a username.                
     use whitespace (~ whatever[TAB]) if you want to complete a global  
  6. CINT shortcut #3 is not supported when trying to complete          
     the name of a global object.  (it is supported when trying to      
     complete a member of a global object)                              
  7. the list of #pragma's is hardcoded                                 
     (ie not obtained from the interpreter at runtime)                  
     ==> user-defined #pragma's will not be recognized                  
  8. the system include directories are also hardcoded                  
     because i don't know how to get them from the interpreter.         
     fons, maybe they should be #ifdef'd for the different sytems?      
  9. the TabCom.FileIgnore resource is always applied, even if you      
     are not trying to complete a filename.                             
 10. anything in quotes is assumed to be a filename                     
     so (among other things) you can't complete a quoted class name:    
     eg, TClass class1( "TDict[TAB]                                     //
     this won't work... looks for a file in pwd starting with TDict     
 11. the prototypes tend to omit the word "const" a lot.                
     this is a problem with ROOT or CINT.                               
 12. when listing ambiguous matches, only one column is used,           
     even if there are many completions.                                
 13. anonymous objects are not currently identified                     
     so, for example,                                                   
          root> printf( TString([TAB                                    
     gives an error message instead of listing TString's constructors.  
     (this could be fixed)                                              
 14. the routine that adds the "appendage" isn't smart enough to know   
     if it's already there:                                             
          root> TCanvas::Update()                                       
              press [TAB] here ^                                        
          root> TCanvas::Update()()                                     
     (this could be fixed)                                              
 15. the appendage is only applied if there is exactly 1 match.         
     eg, this                                                           
          root> G__at[TAB]                                              
          root> G__ateval                                               
     happens instead of this                                            
          root> G__at[TAB]                                              
          root> G__ateval(                                              
     because there are several overloaded versions of G__ateval().      
     (this could be fixed)                                              

 Default constructor.
void ClearClasses()
 Clear classes and namespace collections.
void ClearCppDirectives()
 Forget all Cpp directives seen so far.
void ClearEnvVars()
 Forget all environment variables seen so far.
void ClearFiles()
 Close all files.
void ClearGlobalFunctions()
 Forget all global functions seen so far.
void ClearGlobals()
 Forget all global variables seen so far.
void ClearPragmas()
 Forget all pragmas seen so far.
void ClearSysIncFiles()
 Close system files.
void ClearUsers()
 Forget all user seen so far.
void ClearAll()
 clears all lists
 except for user names and system include files.
void RehashClasses()
 Do the class rehash.
void RehashCppDirectives()
 Cpp rehashing.
void RehashEnvVars()
 Environemnt variables rehashing.
void RehashFiles()
 Close files.
ClearFiles();                /* path unknown */
void RehashGlobalFunctions()
 Reload global functions.
void RehashGlobals()
 Reload globals.
void RehashPragmas()
 Reload pragmas.
void RehashSysIncFiles()
 Reload system include files.
void RehashUsers()
 Reload users.
void RehashAll()
 clears and then rebuilds all lists
 except for user names and system include files.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfClasses()
 Return the list of classes.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfCppDirectives()
 Return the list of CPP directives.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfFilesInPath(const char path[])
 "path" should be initialized with a colon separated list of
 system directories
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfEnvVars()
 calls "/bin/env"
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfGlobals()
 Return the list of globals.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfGlobalFunctions()
 Return the list of global functions.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfPragmas()
 Return the list of pragmas
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfSysIncFiles()
 Return the list of system include files.
const TSeqCollection * GetListOfUsers()
 reads from "/etc/passwd"
Char_t AllAgreeOnChar(int i, const TSeqCollection * pList, Int_t & nGoodStrings)
[static utility function]

  if all the strings in "*pList" have the same ith character,
  that character is returned.
  otherwise 0 is returned.

  any string "s" for which "ExcludedByFignore(s)" is true
  will be ignored unless All the strings in "*pList"
  are "ExcludedByFignore()"

  in addition, the number of strings which were not
  "ExcludedByFignore()" is returned in "nGoodStrings".

void AppendListOfFilesInDirectory(const char dirName[], TSeqCollection * pList)
[static utility function]

  adds a TObjString to "*pList"
  for each entry found in the system directory "dirName"

  directories that do not exist are silently ignored.

TString DetermineClass(const char varName[])
[static utility function]

  returns empty string on failure.
  otherwise returns something like this: "TROOT*".
  fails for non-class types (ie, int, char, etc).
  fails for pointers to functions.

Bool_t ExcludedByFignore(TString s)
[static utility function]

  returns true iff "s" ends with one of
  the strings listed in the "TabCom.FileIgnore" resource.

TString GetSysIncludePath()
[static utility function]

  returns a colon-separated string of directories
  that CINT will search when you call #include<...>

  returns empty string on failure.

Bool_t IsDirectory(const char fileName[])
[static utility function]

  calls TSystem::GetPathInfo() to see if "fileName"
  is a system directory.

TSeqCollection * NewListOfFilesInPath(const char path1[])
[static utility function]

  creates a list containing the full path name for each file
  in the (colon separated) string "path1"

  memory is allocated with "new", so
  whoever calls this function takes responsibility for deleting it.

Bool_t PathIsSpecifiedInFileName(const TString & fileName)
[static utility function]

  true if "fileName"
  1. is an absolute path ("/tmp/a")
  2. is a relative path  ("../whatever", "./test")
  3. starts with user name ("~/mail")
  4. starts with an environment variable ("$ROOTSYS/bin")

void NoMsg(Int_t errorLevel)
[static utility function]

  calling "NoMsg( errorLevel )",
  sets "gErrorIgnoreLevel" to "errorLevel+1" so that
  all errors with "level < errorLevel" will be ignored.

  calling the function with a negative argument
  (e.g., "NoMsg( -1 )")
  resets gErrorIgnoreLevel to its previous value.

Int_t Complete(const TRegexp & re, const TSeqCollection * pListOfCandidates, const char appendage[])
void CopyMatch(char dest[], const char localName[], const char appendage[], const char fullName[])
TString DeterminePath(const TString & fileName, const char defaultPath[])
TString ExtendPath(const char originalPath[], TString newBase)
Int_t Hook(char *buf, int *pLoc)
void InitPatterns()
TClass * MakeClassFromClassName(const char className[])
   (does some specific error handling that makes the function unsuitable for general use.)
   returns a new'd TClass given the name of a class.
   user must delete.
   returns 0 in case of error.
TClass * TryMakeClassFromClassName(const char className[])
 Same as above but does not print the error message.
TClass * MakeClassFromVarName(const char varName[], EContext_t & context, int iter)
   (does some specific error handling that makes the function unsuitable for general use.)
   returns a new'd TClass given the name of a variable.
   user must delete.
   returns 0 in case of error.
   if user has operator.() or operator->() backwards, will modify: context, *fpLoc and fBuf.
   context sensitive behavior.
void SetPattern(EContext_t handle, const char regexp[])
int ParseReverse(const char *var_str, int start)
 Returns the place in the string where to put the \0, starting the search
 from "start"

virtual ~TTabCom()
EContext_t DetermineContext()

Author: Christian Lacunza 27/04/99
Last update: root/rint:$Name: $:$Id: TTabCom.cxx,v 1.41 2006/05/19 07:40:18 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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