class ROOT::Math::Chebyshev
library: libMathMore
#include "Chebyshev.h"
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class ROOT::Math::Chebyshev

Function Members (Methods)

ROOT::Math::ChebyshevChebyshev(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction& f, double a, double b, size_t n)
ROOT::Math::ChebyshevChebyshev(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* p, double a, double b, size_t n)
pair<double,double>EvalErr(double x) const
pair<double,double>EvalErr(double x, size_t n) const
doubleoperator()(double x) const
doubleoperator()(double x, size_t n) const
voidInitialize(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* params, double a, double b)
ROOT::Math::ChebyshevChebyshev(size_t n)
ROOT::Math::ChebyshevChebyshev(const ROOT::Math::Chebyshev&)
ROOT::Math::Chebyshev&operator=(const ROOT::Math::Chebyshev&)

Data Members


Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

Chebyshev(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction& f, double a, double b, size_t n)
 constructor from function (IGenFunction type) and interval [a,b] and series size n
Chebyshev(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* p, double a, double b, size_t n)
 constructor from function (GSL type) and interval [a,b] and series size n
 desctructor (clean up resources)
Chebyshev(size_t n)
 constructor passing only size (need to initialize setting the function afterwards)
Chebyshev(const Chebyshev & /*cheb */ )
 cannot copy series because don't know original function
void Initialize(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* params, double a, double b)
 initialize by passing a function and interval [a,b]
 delete previous existing function pointer
double operator()(double x) const
 evaluate the approximation
std::pair<double, double> EvalErr(double x) const
 evaluate returning result and error
double operator()(double x, size_t n) const
 evaluate at most order n ( truncate the series)
std::pair<double, double> EvalErr(double x, size_t n) const
 evaluate at most order n ( truncate the series) returning resutl + error
Chebyshev * Deriv()
 calculate derivative. Returna pointer to a new series
 used auto_ptr (supprseed since not good support on some compilers)
Chebyshev * Integral()
 integral (return pointer)

Last update: root/mathmore:$Name: $:$Id: Chebyshev.cxx,v 1.6 2006/11/17 18:26:50 moneta Exp $
Copyright (c) 2004 ROOT Foundation, CERN/PH-SFT *

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