class RooNormSetCache
library: libRooFitCore
#include "RooNormSetCache.h"
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class RooNormSetCache

Function Members (Methods)

RooNormSetCache(Int_t regSize = 10)
RooNormSetCache(const RooNormSetCache& other)
voidadd(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0)
Bool_tautoCache(const RooAbsArg* self, const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0, Bool_t autoRefill = kTRUE)
static TClass*Class()
Bool_tcontains(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0)
Bool_tcontainsSet1(const RooArgSet* set1)
Int_tentries() const
Int_tindex(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
const RooArgSet*lastSet1() const
const RooArgSet*lastSet2() const
const RooNameSet&nameSet1() const
const RooNameSet&nameSet2() const
RooNormSetCache&operator=(const RooNormSetCache&)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer& b)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
voidinitialize(const RooNormSetCache& other)

Data Members

RooSetPair*_asArr! do not persist
RooHashTable*_htable! do not persist

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

RooNormSetCache(Int_t regSize)
RooNormSetCache(const RooNormSetCache& other)
void clear()
void initialize(const RooNormSetCache& other)
void add(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0)
 If code list array has never been used, allocate and initialize here
void expand()
Bool_t autoCache(const RooAbsArg* self, const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0, Bool_t autoRefill = kTRUE)
 Automated cache management function - Returns kTRUE if cache is invalidated
Int_t index(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0)
Bool_t contains(const RooArgSet* set1, const RooArgSet* set2 = 0, const TNamed* set2RangeName = 0)
Bool_t containsSet1(const RooArgSet* set1)
const RooArgSet* lastSet1()
{ return _nreg>0?_asArr[_nreg-1]._set1:0 ; }
const RooArgSet* lastSet2()
{ return _nreg>0?_asArr[_nreg-1]._set2:0 ; }
const RooNameSet& nameSet1()
{ return _name1 ; }
const RooNameSet& nameSet2()
{ return _name2 ; }
Int_t entries()
{ return _nreg ; }

Last update: Mon Jun 25 19:44:46 2007
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *

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