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ROOT » MATH » MATHCORE » ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings

class ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings

   Class, describing value, limits and step size of the parameters
   Provides functionality also to set/retrieve values, step sizes, limits and fix the

   To be done: add constraints (equality and inequality) as functions of the parameters

   @ingroup FitMain

Function Members (Methods)

boolHasLowerLimit() const
boolHasUpperLimit() const
boolIsBound() const
boolIsDoubleBound() const
boolIsFixed() const
doubleLowerLimit() const
const string&Name() const
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings&operator=(const ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings&)
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettingsParameterSettings(const ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings&)
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettingsParameterSettings(const string& name, double val)
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettingsParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err)
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettingsParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err, double min, double max)
voidSet(const string& name, double value)
voidSet(const string& name, double value, double step)
voidSet(const string& name, double value, double step, double lower, double upper)
voidSetLimits(double low, double up)
voidSetLowerLimit(double low)
voidSetName(const string& name)
voidSetStepSize(double err)
voidSetUpperLimit(double up)
voidSetValue(double val)
doubleStepSize() const
doubleUpperLimit() const
doubleValue() const

Data Members

boolfFixflag to control if parameter is fixed
boolfHasLowerLimitflag to control lower parameter limit
boolfHasUpperLimitflag to control upper parameter limit
doublefLowerLimitlower parameter limit
stringfNameparameter name
doublefStepSizeparameter step size (used by minimizer)
doublefUpperLimitupper parameter limit
doublefValueparameter value

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

      Default constructor

ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err)
constructor for unlimited named Parameter
ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err, double min, double max)
constructor for double limited Parameter
SetLimits(double low, double up)
ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val)
constructor for fixed Parameter
void Set(const string& name, double value, double step)
 set value and name (unlimited parameter)
SetName(const string& name)
SetValue(double val)
SetStepSize(double err)
void Set(const string& name, double value, double step, double lower, double upper)
 set a limited parameter
void Set(const string& name, double value)
 set a fixed parameter
      Destructor (no operations)

double Value() const
 copy constructor and assignment operators (leave them to the compiler)
 return parameter value
{ return fValue; }
double StepSize() const
 return lower limit value
{ return fStepSize; }
double LowerLimit() const
 return lower limit value
{return fLowerLimit;}
double UpperLimit() const
 check if is fixed
{return fUpperLimit;}
bool IsFixed() const
 check if parameter has lower limit
{ return fFix; }
bool HasLowerLimit() const
 check if parameter has upper limit
{return fHasLowerLimit; }
bool HasUpperLimit() const
 check if is bound
{return fHasUpperLimit; }
bool IsBound() const
 check if is double bound (upper AND lower limit)
bool IsDoubleBound() const
 return name
const std::string & Name() const
{ return fName; }
void Release()
 release the parameter
{fFix = false;}
void SetUpperLimit(double up)
 set a single upper limit
void SetLowerLimit(double low)
 set a single lower limit