[ROOT] Very basic quiestion,

From: Tomasz Bold (bold@fatcat.ftj.agh.edu.pl)
Date: Fri Sep 10 2004 - 16:53:42 MEST

	htemp is an histogram made by drawing a tree. Why this works fine
if I call the methods one by one but more complex expresion fails?

	Tomasz Bold

root [4] htemp->GetNbinsX()
(const Int_t)100
root [5] htemp->GetBinLowEdge(htemp->GetNbinsX())
Error: Symbol htemp is not defined in current scope  FILE:(tmpfile) LINE:1
Error: Failed to evaluate htemp->GetNbinsX()Possible candidates are...
filename       line:size busy function type and name
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [6] htemp->GetBinLowEdge(100)
(const Axis_t)4.40550000000000000e+03

Tomasz Bold
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