Taxonomy Categories:
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This is one of several naming classes associated with TUnicode that provides an enumeration of symbolic names for Unicode values. Because the large number of named values in Unicode is too large to be contained in a single enumerated list, the names have been spread out among several classes on the basis of writing system or script (such as Latin, Cyrillic, and Hebrew) or function (such as punctuation or mathematical operator).
This class provides an enumeration for Unicode characters required for compatibility with older Arabic character sets.
Unicode includes a number of compatibility characters, so-called because they have been included in Unicode for the sake of round-trip compatibility with other character set standards and can more effectively represented in Unicode in other ways. There are several Unicode ranges devoted entirely to compatibility characters. There are other Unicode values which are regarded by CommonPoint as compatibility characters, even though they are not formally identified as such in the Unicode standard.
Examples of compatibility characters are Roman numerals, precomposed accent/letter combinations, and circled numerals.
CommonPoint supports the use of Unicode compatibility characters but urges that they be avoided wherever possible.
The Unicode characters enumerated by this class are all Unicode compatibility characters.
Do not instantiate.
Deriving Classes:
Do not derive.
Multithread safe.
Resource Use:
No special requirements.
Other Considerations:
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