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Classes describing Fit Method functions


class  ROOT::Math::BasicFitMethodFunction< FunctionType >
 FitMethodFunction class Interface for objective functions (like chi2 and likelihood used in the fit) In addition to normal function interface provide interface for calculating each data contribution to the function which is required by some algorithm (like Fumili) More...
class  ROOT::Fit::Chi2FCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType >
 Chi2FCN class for binned fits using the least square methods. More...
class  ROOT::Fit::LogLikelihoodFCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType >
 LogLikelihoodFCN class for likelihood fits. More...
class  ROOT::Fit::PoissonLikelihoodFCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType >
 class evaluating the log likelihood for binned Poisson likelihood fits it is template to distinguish gradient and non-gradient case More...