ROOT  6.07/01
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XrdProofdAux Member List

This is the complete list of members for XrdProofdAux, including all inherited members.

AdminMsgType(int type)XrdProofdAuxstatic
AssertBaseDir(const char *path, XrdProofUI ui)XrdProofdAuxstatic
AssertDir(const char *path, XrdProofUI ui, bool changeown)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ChangeMod(const char *path, unsigned int mode)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ChangeOwn(const char *path, XrdProofUI ui)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ChangeToDir(const char *dir, XrdProofUI ui, bool changeown)XrdProofdAuxstatic
CheckIf(XrdOucStream *s, const char *h)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Expand(char *p)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Expand(XrdOucString &path)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int ns, const char *ss[5], int ni, int ii[6], int np, void *pp[5], int nu=0, unsigned int ui=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1=0, const char *s2=0, const char *s3=0, const char *s4=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1=0, int i2=0, int i3=0, int i4=0, int i5=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, void *p0, void *p1=0, void *p2=0, void *p3=0, void *p4=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, const char *s0, const char *s1=0, const char *s2=0, const char *s3=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, int i0, int i1=0, int i2=0, int i3=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, int i0, int i1, unsigned int u1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1, int i0, int i1, int i2)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, const char *s0, const char *s1, const char *s2)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1, const char *s2, int i0, int i1=0, const char *s3=0, const char *s4=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, int i0, int i1, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1, const char *s2, int i0, unsigned int u1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, int i2, const char *s0, const char *s1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, int i1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, const char *s0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, void *p0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, int i2, void *p0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, void *p0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, int i1, void *p0, int i2, int i3=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, void *p0, int i0, int i1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, void *p0, int i0, int i1)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, void *p0, const char *s0, int i0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, const char *s0, const char *s1, void *p0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, const char *s0, const char *s1, int i1, int i2=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Form(XrdOucString &s, const char *fmt, int i0, const char *s0, int i1, int i2=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetGroupInfo(const char *grp, XrdProofGI &gi)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetGroupInfo(int gid, XrdProofGI &gi)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetIDFromPath(const char *path, XrdOucString &emsg)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetLong(char *str)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetProcesses(const char *pn, std::map< int, XrdOucString > *plist)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetUserInfo(const char *usr, XrdProofUI &ui)XrdProofdAuxstatic
GetUserInfo(int uid, XrdProofUI &ui)XrdProofdAuxstatic
HasToken(const char *s, const char *tokens)XrdProofdAuxstatic
KillProcess(int pid, bool forcekill, XrdProofUI ui, bool changeown)XrdProofdAuxstatic
LogEmsgToFile(const char *flog, const char *emsg, const char *pfx=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
MvDir(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ParsePidPath(const char *path, XrdOucString &before, XrdOucString &after)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ParseUsrGrp(const char *path, XrdOucString &usr, XrdOucString &grp)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ProofRequestTypes(int type)XrdProofdAuxstatic
ReadMsg(int fd, XrdOucString &msg)XrdProofdAuxstatic
RmDir(const char *path)XrdProofdAuxstatic
SymLink(const char *path, const char *link)XrdProofdAuxstatic
Touch(const char *path, int opt=0)XrdProofdAuxstatic
VerifyProcessByID(int pid, const char *pname="proofserv")XrdProofdAuxstatic
Write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nb)XrdProofdAuxstatic